Monthly Archives: August 2008


Marines see progress helping Anbar rebuild

Georgian army moves to retake South Ossetia

NATO aircraft crashes in E. Afghanistan

Offensive against Taliban under way


US plans surveillance buildup in Iraq, Afghanistan

Al Qaeda

Salim Ahmed Hamdan was sentenced to 66 months in prison for providing material support to terrorism by serving as Osama bin Laden’s driver an bodyguard. Hamdan has already served five years and a month at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, and is eligible for release in five months, but may be kept in prison longer […]


Security Council renews mandate of UN mission in Iraq


The Turkistan Islamic Party, a front for the al Qaeda-linked East Turkistan Islamic Movement, issued a new video threatening to attack the Olympic Games and warned Muslims to stay away from the venue. The group claims the communist regime’s mistreatment of Muslims and a ban on multiple births justifies holy war against the government.


Iraqi security forces captured 10 suspected al Qaeda operatives in Diyala. Coalition forces captured 25 al Qaeda fighters during operations nationwide and two Special Groups operatives in Baghdad. Three police were killed in an IED attack and eight police were wounded in a suicide attack in Mosul. Eight Iraqis were killed in a land mine […]


Twenty-four Taliban fighters and seven policemen were killed in fighting in Kandahar, Helmand, and Badghis province. Several hundred French troops arrived in Uruzgan province. A ISAF UAV crashed in Paktika province. The Canadian military is acquiring UAVs and helicopters to support its forces.


Iraqis: Deal close on plan for US troops to leave


US military works to keep out Iraq militia leaders


Iraq elections vote delayed until after summer break


Iraqi troops captured four “key wanted individuals” in Maysan and five “wanted men” in Basrah. Iraqi and Coalition forces captured 10 al Qaeda operatives in central and northern Iraq. US troops captured three members of an IED cell in Baghdad.

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden driver Salim Hamdan weeps after terror verdict


Ali Bakht, Mullah Fazlullah’s deputy in Swat, was killed along with 13 Taliban fighters. Four police were injured after the Taliban attacked a police station in Peshawar. One soldier was killed after the Taliban took control of three checkpoints in Bajaur; Pakistani troops occupied the Loyesam region in Bajaur. Four Pakistanis were killed during clashes […]

The Hamdan Verdict

salim_hamdan.jpgSalim Hamdan, Osama bin Laden’s driver and bodyguard, has been found guilty of supporting terrorism by a military jury at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

United States

Military jurors found Osama bin Laden’s former driver guilty of providing material support to terrorism in the first US war crimes trial since World War II. However, the jury found Salim Hamdan not guilty on a count of conspiracy. He faces a possible maximum sentence of life in prison.


Mauritanian soldiers overthrew the elected president in a coup on Wednesday and announced the formation of a military ruling council in the northwest African Islamic state. Soldiers seized President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi at his palace after he sacked senior army officers during a political crisis in Mauritania.


NATO troops prevented the use of two vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices in the central Afghan province of Wardak. A senior Afghan intelligence official has accused a number of parliamentarians of supporting Taliban insurgents. Afghanistan’s spy agency accused a member of Pakistan’s consulate in Kandahar province of helping a Taliban commander in his attempts to weaken […]