Monthly Archives: August 2008


A suicide bomber killed eight Algerians and wounded eight more during an attack on a police station in Zemmouri. In a statement released on the Internet, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has claimed responsibility for the two recent suicide attacks in Lakhdaria and Tizi Ouzou.


The Pakistani military claimed 70 Taliban fighters were killed and 60 were wounded during fighting in Bajaur; the Taliban claimed 23 soldiers were killed and 24 captured. The Taliban killed eight police in Bajaur and one policeman in Peshawar. The NWFP government demanded a halt to military operations. The Taliban in Khyber attacked containers destined […]


Iraqi troops killed one insurgent and captured 50 during raids in Baghdad and killed four al Qaeda fighters and detain 30 in Diyala. Coalition forces killed two al Qaeda operatives and detained 14 suspects during operations in central and northern Iraq. Coalition forces detained eight suspected al Qaeda fighters during a sweep in the near […]

Canadian, coalition troops seize Taliban weapons, drugs

Russia stages raid near key oil pipeline: Georgia


Georgia will withdraw its entire 2,000-strong military contingent from Iraq within three days to help battle South Ossetian separatist rebels according to a senior Georgian military official. The Georgian military has claimed downing 10 Russian aircraft and destroying 30 Russian tanks in two days of fighting. Georgia has so far defeated all attacks on the […]


Kurdish rebels threatened to stage more attacks on economic targets in Turkey only days after claiming responsibility for a fire at a key oil pipeline. The fire on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is still burning in eastern Turkey and repairs may take one to two weeks or longer to repair.


Up to 20 insurgents were killed after Afghan police and Coalition forces raided a Taliban-occupied village in the Bala Baluk region of Farah province. A Canadian soldier was killed during a firefight in Kandahar’s Zhari district, and preliminary reports suggest a private security firm may be have accidentally shot and killed the soldier. Mullah Turab […]


Al Qaeda detainee claims he kidnapped, killed 16 in Iraq


AFP: Georgia to recall Iraq troops to help in South Ossetia


The Army spokesman said 80 percent of areas in the south where Muslim insurgent groups are active are under government control. The interior minister said the situation in the southern provinces has greatly improved and the violence has decreased to a “nearly normal” level.


Shiite Militants in Europe: Spy Case Casts Light on Hezbollah Recruitment in Germany


Close Musharraf Allies Say He Has No Plans To Resign Under Pressure


Moqtada al-Sadr tells Mahdi Army to swap guns for social work

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden’s driver Salim Ahmed Hamdan may be in jail for life


The Islamic Courts took control of Hudur, the capital of the Bakool region along the Ethiopian border. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed called on Arab states to provide peace keepers and pressure Ethiopia to withdraw. The US Navy thwarted a pirate attack off the coast of Somalia.


A car bomb in Tal Afar killed 21 Iraqis and wounded 66. Iraqi troops captured six al Qaeda leaders and nine fighters, and Coalition forces captured 10 al Qaeda fighters during raids in northern Iraq. Iraqi forces detained 36 insurgents in Babil province. US troops captured a Special Groups financier and five associates.


The Pentagon backs a plan that will expand the size of the Afghan Army to 120,000 troops and will place all US forces under a single command. The Canadian and Afghan Army are on the offensive in northern Kandahar province. Four women and a child were among several Taliban fighters killed during a raid in […]


Pakistan’s two largest parties said the impeachment of President Musharraf will commence; Musharraf said he would fight the effort. Ten Pakistani troops were killed in yesterday’s clash in Bajaur. Security forces arrested nine suicide bombers in Lahore. The Taliban announced ‘all-out war™ in Swat. One Pakistani was wounded at a bombing of a CD shop […]


Russian forces have invaded South Ossetia after Georgian forces attempted to regain control of the breakaway region. Georgia currently has one of its five combat infantry brigades deployed in Wasit province, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The defense minister recalled the brigade, which has neared the end of its deployment.