Monthly Archives: August 2008

Al Qaeda

A US district judge refused bail to al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui, who appeared in a Manhattan federal court in a wheelchair. Pakistani diplomats met with Siddiqui and pledged support. “Pakistan will provide all possible assistance to her,” the spokesman for the foreign ministry said.


US to Complete Redeployment of Georgian Forces from Iraq

The Chai count

The US Army discovers a new way to measure the effectiveness of counterinsurgency efforts in Diyala province.


Five Yemen policemen wounded in clash with militants


Iraqi troops captured 29 insurgents in Diyala, 24 “wanted men” in Baghdad, and 55 Mahdi Army fighters in Thi Qhar. Iraqi special forces captured 12 al Qaeda operatives in Diyala and 13 Special Groups operatives in central Iraq. US troops captured a Special Groups leader in Baghdad. A female suicide bomber killed one Iraqi and […]


Coalition forces killed 25 Taliban fighters during an airstrike in Uruzgan province; eight civilians were also killed after the Taliban used them as human shields. Two Australian special forces soldiers were wounded in an IED attack in Uruzgan. President Karzai urged Coalition forces to target “terrorist bases, hideouts and training camps” inside Pakistan.


Marines target oil smuggling, protect citizens


Iran builds marine offices on disputed island

Al Qaeda

Al-Qa’eda in Iraq alienated by cucumber laws and brutality

Al Qaeda

Pakistani diplomats meet al Qaeda suspect under US detention


General Petraeus hails SAS after Iraq victory over al Qaeda car bombers


IRAQ: First in, now Marines may be first out


One soldier was killed and five wounded after the military launched operations against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in North Cotabato province. MILF fighters occupied nine Christian villages in the region after the Philippine Supreme Court negated an agreement to establish a Muslim homeland in the South. MILF warned the fighting may spread.


Four Iraqis and one US soldier were killed, and 23 were wounded in an IED and suicide attack in Tarmiyah. Two Iraqis were killed and 25 were wounded in a car bomb attack in Khaniqan. Four Iraqis were killed and five wounded in an IED attack in New Baghdad. Iraqi troops captured 10 al Qaeda […]

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri released a video directly to a Pakistani news channel. Zawahiri spoke in English on tape for the first time. He called for jihad in Pakistan, supported the impeachment of President Musharraf, and accused the government of being a puppet of the US and the West.


Iraq, US ‘on the brink’ of security deal: Iraqi FM


Khaleej Times Online – Iraqi army aims for self-sufficiency by mid-2009


The Frontier Corps retreated from the Loisam region in Bajaur after days of heavy fighting. The Taliban attacked a police outpost in Peshawar and bombed a bridge in Swat. Mangal Bagh’s former bodyguard was beheaded after he was accused of being a “US spy.”


Seven Muslim terrorists, likely from the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, and one security guard were killed in a series of attacks in the western Xinjiang region. At least three of the attackers detonated their bombs to avoid being captured, but it is unclear if they used suicide vests.