Monthly Archives: August 2008


At least 10 people, including Ethiopian soldiers, Shabaab fighters, and civilians, were killed in fighting in southern Somalia after Ethiopian convoys were ambushed. Two Shabaab fighters and six clansmen were killed in clashes in Bakool. The Islamic Courts claimed it mediated between two warring clans in central Somalia. Ethiopia’s senior general and intelligence officer in […]


Troops blast through a bomb-strewn route in Diyala province


Escaped al Qaeda operative Hamza al Quayti was killed in a shootout along with four other al Qaeda operatives as well as two policemen. President Saleh said the group was planning attacks in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. A published report indicated elements within Yemeni security forces directed al Quayti in March to launch a mortar […]


The Taliban killed three female aid workers from the International Rescue Committee and their Afghan driver in an ambush in Logar province. ISAF soldiers killed one civilian and wounded three others during escalation of force incidents in Helmand province.


A suicide bomber killed five police in Lahore. Khyber extremist leader Haji Namdar was killed. Thirty-five Pakistanis were killed in clashes in Kurram. Six Taliban fighters were killed in Buner. A senior Taliban leader was captured in Swat and seven Taliban fighters were detained in Hangu.


Coalition forces captured two propaganda experts from the Hezbollah Brigades during operations in the Mansour district of Baghdad. US forces captured an al Qaeda in Iraq leader and four associates. Iraqi security forces captured 12 al Qaeda operatives in Diyala and seven Shia extremists in Basrah. An IED attack killed two Iraqis and wounded seven […]


A bombing at a bus stop frequented by soldiers in Tripoli killed 18 Lebanese and wounded more than 45. Ten soldiers were killed in the attack. The bomb was placed at the bus stop and detonated remotely. A suspect was detained.


US Analyst Depicts Al Qaeda as Secure in Pakistan and More Potent Than Last Year


Al-Qaeda Said to Use Regional Strife to Tighten Grip in Pakistan


Treasury Designates Iranian Nuclear and Missile Entities

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui had detailed maps of New York City and list of potential targets in her possession when she was captured in Afghanistan last month. She also was carrying detailed chemical, biological, and radiological weapon information as well as a thumb drive filled with e-mails.


Thirteen Pakistanis, including 10 security officials, were killed in an Air Force bus bombing in Peshawar. The Taliban took credit for the attack. Ten Taliban were reported killed and 14 wounded during helicopter strikes in Bajaur. The Taliban bombed a CD shop in Bannu.


ISAF refuted claims that civilians were killed during an airstrike in the Tagab district of Kapisa province on Aug. 9. One British soldier was killed and two were wounded in a suicide attack in Kabul. One Canadian soldier was killed and one was wounded in an attack on an outpost in the Panjwai district in […]


Coalition forces detained nine Hezbollah Brigades operatives and a Special Groups leader during raids in Baghdad. Coalition forces detained 12 al Qaeda operatives during raids on bombing cells and financial networks around Baghdad and Mosul. Iraqi troops detained 22 insurgents in Baghdad. Three civilians were killed and three wounded in a suicide bomb attack in […]


Resistance pays off, says Iran’s Khamenei


Kurds will make concessions to pass provincial polls law


Twenty-two Taliban fighters and 13 civilians were reported killed in the latest fighting in Bajaur. The Taliban bombed three bridges in Swat. Security forces abandoned outposts in Darra Adam Khel. A policeman was killed in an ambush in Hangu.


Yemen’s new vice and virtue committee elected Sheikh Abdulmajid al Zindani as a president. Zindani was named by the US Treasury as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist and a bin Laden loyalist. The committee insists on gender segregation as a protection against social chaos. Civil society activists charged the committee is a mechanism to diminish […]


Thirty-one people have been reported killed during the second day of fighting in North Cotabato province between the military and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. More than 130,000 civilians have fled the fighting. Members of the opposition have filed cases to prevent the formation of a Muslim homeland in Mindanao.