Monthly Archives: August 2008


ISAF killed Mullah Akhtar Mohammed, a Taliban commander that was “directly involved in the planning of attacks against district centres and the coordination of suicide bombers” in Uruzgan province. More than 90 Taliban fighters have been reported killed during fighting over the past several days in the South.


Pakistan Says 460 Militants, 22 Troops Killed in Bajaur


President Karzai replaced the governor of Kandahar province with a former corps commander. The Taliban overran the Nawah district in Ghazni province. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 36 Taliban fighters during clashes in southern Afghanistan. Two Coalition soldiers were killed in an attack in eastern Afghanistan.


Iran and Hezbollah continue to support Shia terror groups in Iraq. US Marines killed three insurgents in southwestern Anbar province. Coalition forces detained eight al Qaeda fighters during raids in central and northern Iraq. US soldiers detained a Special Groups operative in the Rashid district of Baghdad.


Bajaur Taliban leader Faqir Mohammed is rumored to be among 32 fighters killed in the agency. The Taliban bombed 20 CD shops and a girls’ school in Swat. An operation in Mohmand may be launched soon. A jirga in Dir banned the Taliban and the Army from the region. The Taliban is collecting taxes throughout […]


Sanctions hurting Iran economic activity, says IMF


Shiite pilgrims killed in Iraq suicide blast

Diyala governor survives potential coup d’

Governor Ra’ad Rashid al Tamini may have one of the toughest jobs in the world trying to bring order in Iraq’s turbulent Diyala province. Tamini fired the provincial chief of police after he failed to take orders from the provincial government.


Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained five while targeting the group’s financial infrastructure in Baghdad. Iraqi forces detained 34 insurgents in Baghdad and captured an al Qaeda leader in Baqubah. Two police were killed and six were wounded in an IED attack in Baqubah. Two police were killed and five wounded in […]


President Musharraf is expected to resign in the next several days. The military said 12 Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur as the Taliban are using civilians as human shields. Twelve Pakistanis were killed in sectarian fighting in Kurram. Local tribes killed six Taliban fighters in Buner. A woman was killed in a missile strike […]


Philippine troops have retaken control of all 15 villages in North Cotabato from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. MILF forces have been reported to have been pushed into the marshlands and the mountains in Shariff Kabunsuan province.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb called for Mauritanians to wage jihad against General Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz and other military officers who overthrew the democratically elected government. The statement was released on the Internet and was signed by Abdelmalek Droukdel, the group’s leader. Droukdel said the US, France, and Israel were also behind the military […]


China warns of life and death battle with terror


U.N. pledges to expand in Iraq, 5 years after blast