Monthly Archives: July 2008


Petraeus Says Fresh Iraq Troop Cuts Hinge On Security


Prime Minister Gilani admitted al Qaeda is in the tribal areas and fears another 9/11 style attack will be launched from there. The Taliban destroyed a Frontier Corps checkpoint in Hangu. Two Hangu tribes formed a lashkar to oppose the Taliban. The wife of Red Mosque cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz is training girls to become […]


President Karzai directly blamed Pakistan’s intelligence service for the rise in attacks. The Taliban murdered seven “US spies” in Zabul province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed “several” Taliban during fighting in Uruzgan province.


Seventy insurgents surrendered to US forces in Baiji. An Iraqi SWAT team detained two Special Groups operatives during raids in Hillah and Al Kut. Coalition forces detained five suspected al Qaeda fighters in northern Iraq. Two police were killed and nine wounded in an IED attack in Baghdad. Police stopped a suicide bomber in Mosul. […]


Security forces killed a “top leader” in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb know as al Tuhami. A specialized counterterrorism platoon staged an ambush against Tuhami and two other supporters in a town east of Algiers.

Netherlands: Radical imam claims damages for anti-Koran film


Sadr’s militia may live to fight again


UIC leader: Most points settled in US-Iraqi agreement


4,800 cadets graduate from Iraqi military academies in ceremony attended by Petraeus


ICC Prosecutor Charges Sudan’s President with Genocide


Man ordered held over consulate attack in Turkey


The co-leader of the ruling political party said the US should avoid talk of hot pursuit into the tribal areas. The Taliban beheaded a “US spy” in North Waziristan. A suicide bomber wounded three Pakistanis after detonating at a Shia gathering in Dera Ismail Khan. The Taliban said a jirga would decide the fate of […]


The Iraqi military is awaiting the order to start an operation to clear Diyala province. Iraqi and US forces detained 39 suspected al Qaeda operatives in Dalouiya, Tal Afar, Samara, Baiji, Balad, and northern Iraq. US troops captured a Special Groups leader in Baghdad.


Shabaab fighters took over the towns of Bardhere and Burhakaba without any resistance. Ethiopian and Somali forces are conducting operations in Daynile. The Hawiye, which supports the Islamic Courts, claimed Somali soldiers killed eight civilians in Mogadishu.


Nine US soldiers and an unknown number of Taliban were killed in a battle in Kunar province. A Taliban suicide bomber killed 24 Afghans and wounded more than 40 in Uruzgan province. US and Afghan forces killed more than 40 Taliban in Helmand province.


US, Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces


Sudanese government backed Darfur attacks, says Janjaweed commander


The Taliban killed 22 Pakistanis in Hangu, including 15 soldiers, after ambushing a convoy. The Taliban threatened to kill 29 hostages taken in Hangu if their leader is not freed; the government said it would hold the Taliban accountable if they were killed. Four members of a polio vaccination team were released by the Taliban […]


Coalition forces detained 12 al Qaeda operatives during raids in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi forces detained 52 suspected insurgents in Baghdad, eight south of Baghdad, and 10 near Baqubah. Police detained nine people wanted for “terror and criminal cases” in Basrah province.