Monthly Archives: July 2008


Iraqi intelligence believes al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al Masri and other senior leader are sheltering in a village in Diyala province. Two Iraqis were killed and 15 wounded in separate suicide and IED attacks in Mosul. A female suicide bomber killed three Iraqis while trying to target a Baghdad council leader. Iraqi […]


Hezbollah hands over remains to Israel in prisoner swap


An ISAF investigation concluded that it did not kill civilians during airstrikes in Kunar and Nuristan provinces. US and Afghan forces withdrew from the forward outpost in Wanat; a Taliban force then moved in to take control of the town. Twelve Taliban were killed in clashes in Kandahar and Paktika provinces.


Iraq takes control of Shiite province from US-led forces


Pakistanis are fearful that NATO is building up forces across the border in Khost to attack in North Waziristan; the tribesmen vowed to defend their territory. Security forces captured a Tanzanian al Qaeda operative and two members of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in Multan. Seven were killed in clashes in Khyber between Lashkar-e-Islam and Ansar-ul-Islam. Five soldiers were […]


Thousands of civilians are fleeing the town of Beletweyne in fear of fighting between Shabaab and a Somali and Ethiopian forces. An Islamic Courts spokesman said the group supports the targeting of aid workers. Aid groups are considering pulling out of Somalia.


The Afghan government called Pakistan the “world’s biggest producers of terrorism and extremism” and accused the Pakistani military and intelligence services of backing the Taliban. US and Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban in Warkdak province and seven in Nuristan. The governor of Ghazni province said the Taliban hoped to use the province for its main […]


Two suicide bombers killed 22 Iraqi Army recruits and wounded more than 55 in Baqubah while separate attacks killed 12 and wounded 17 in Mosul. Former Saddam deputy Izzat Ibrahim al Douri urged Sunni insurgents to fight on while criticizing the Mahdi Army and al Qaeda. Coalition forces detained 15 al Qaeda operatives and Iraqi […]


Iraq elections law delayed over Kirkuk dispute


German court convicts 3 Iraqis in plot to kill former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi


Who™s who of the prisoner swap – Hezbollah-Israel prisoner swap to go down Wednesday


Lawyers for Omar Khadr released 10 minutes of videotape of his interrogation at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Khadr cried while talking to a Candian intelligence official and claimed he was tortured by US forces. Khadr is a Candian citizen who was detained by US forces after a battle in Afghanistan in July 2002.


Police: Iraq suicide bombers kill 28 army recruits


Hundreds of new officers join Iraqi Army and Air Force


Iran president hits back over nuclear criticism