Monthly Archives: July 2008


Mullah Fazlullah threatened to launch suicide attacks if the government launches an operation in Swat. A boy was killed in a bombing at a store in Swat. A top Lashkar-i-Jhangvi leader was arrested in Quetta. Hafiz Gul Bahadur was named leader of the Taliban in North Waziristan. Eight tribes in Hangu agreed not to shelter […]


General Details Security Improvements in Iraq™s Northern Provinces


Israel Kills Top Hamas Militant, Bulldozes His House in West Bank


Tajikistan: Government Concerned By Increasing Growth Of Salafism


At least 15 people were killed and 154 injured in a dual bomb attack in Istanbul. The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is the prime suspect. The Turkish military struck 12 PKK positions in northern Iraq.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda claims car bomb attack on Yemen police compound


Military spokesman denies Shiite pilgrims killing en route to Baghdad Shrine


Iraqi and US forces killed four al Qaeda fighters and captured 58 during an operation in Ninewa province; four Iraqi soldiers were killed during a firefight. Coalition forces detained five al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and Mosul. Iraqi forces captured an al Qaeda cell member in Babylon. Coalition forces captured two Special Groups “key leaders” […]


Afghan forces killed a “key” Taliban commander named Mullah Usman in Takhar province. Coalition forces accidentally killed four civilians at a checkpoint in Helmand province. Canada may send an additional 200 troops to fight in Kandahar.


The Inter Service Intelligence agency and the Intelligence Bureau have been placed under the command of the prime minister. The Jaish-e-Mohammad in North Waziristan assassinated a representative of the Jamia Hafsa for siding with the government. The Taliban bombed two barber shops in Swat. Nine people were kidnapped in Hangu.


Shiite Militia in Baghdad Sees Its Power Ebb

Iraq, US target Iranian networks

The US military announced the capture of three members of the Iranian-backed Special Groups, while a massive cache containing Iranian EFPs and explosives was found in Baghdad.


Coalition forces detained 20 suspected al Qaeda fighters during raids in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi special forces captured two Special Groups operatives in Baghdad. US troops captured a Special Groups operative in New Baghdad. US troops found a large cache in the Kadhamiyah district of Baghdad that included Iranian-made C-4 and 11 EFPs.


Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost


The Lebanese Army has deployed in the northern city of Tripoli to restore order. Nine people were killed and 68 were wounded during heavy clashes between Sunnis and Alawites that support Hezbollah.


At least six low-intensity explosions wounded more than 20 people in Ahmedabad. Police found a large, unexploded bomb in a shopping mall in Bangalore while searching for clue in yesterday’s string of bombings that killed six people. Police said that yesterday’s smaller bombs were assembled by professional bomb makers who used timing devices set to […]


Report: Iran now has 6,000 centrifuges for uranium


The Taiban bombed a girls’ school and a shopping center in Swat; 10 extremists were detained. Security forces abandoned four checkpoints in Bajaur along the Afghan border; the Taliban has occupied two of them. The Taliban released eight security officials in Hangu and said it would not launch an operation against the provincial government. The […]


Coalition launches Saber Pursuit operation in Diyala


Twenty-eight have been killed during two days of fighting between Ethiopian forces and the Islamic Courts in Beletwein. The UN special envoy for Somalia denied Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is the leader of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia. Aweys said his forces would attack UN peacekeepers and restore order to the country via […]


Iraqi troops captured three al Qaeda cell leaders in Mosul, nine al Qaeda operatives in Rutbah and Zaidon, and four al Qaeda operatives and five Special Groups operatives in central Iraq. Iraqi forces captured 12 Special Groups operatives, including a leader, in Karbala.


Taliban Exploit Sectarian Rift in Siege of Shiites in Pakistan Enclave