Monthly Archives: July 2008


Police arrested nine members of Jemaah Islamiyah who were plotting to conduct terror attacks in Jakarta and on Sumatra Island. The men were associated with terror master Noordin Top. One of the men was a Singaporean who has met with Osama bin Laden. A cache of bombs packed with bullets was also seized.


Thirty-nine Somalis were reported killed during fighting between Shabaab and African Union, Somali, and Ethiopian troops throughout Somalia. Twenty-five of those were reported killed during fighting in the central province of Hiran, including six Shabaab fighters.


Iraqi forces arrested the governor of Maysan province and three other senior Sadrist leaders. Iraqi forces arrested 15 “wanted men” in Basrah. Coalition forces captured a Special Groups weapons facilitator and trainer and an associate during a raid in Baghdad. Iraqi security forces captured five Special Groups fighters. Fifty-eight insurgents surrendered to the government in […]


A suicide bomber killed three policeman and a civilian in an attack on a convoy transporting the governor of Nimroz province. One civilian was killed and several wounded after Taliban mortar teams fired into Kunar province from inside Pakistan. Six Taliban fighters were detained in Helmand province. A US Blackhawk helicopter was shot down in […]


Hezbollah confirmed that it agreed to a prisoner swap with Israel. Britain has designated Hezbollah’s military arm as a terrorist organization for its support of Iraqi and Palestinian terror groups. “Hezbollah’s military wing is providing active support to militants in Iraq who are responsible for attacks both on coalition forces and on Iraqi civilians, including […]


Iraqi minister: Deal seeks to end security contractors’ immunity


Focus in Anbar province is on infrastructure


In a Mahdi Army stronghold, where no one has seen the militia, troops struggle to find renegade fighters


Taliban spokesman Maulvi Omar survived the explosion at Haji Namdar’s home in Khyber; seven were killed. Haji Namdar denied links to Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden. The military detained 18 members of Ansar-ul-Islam and Lashkar-e-Islam during operations in Khyber. Six people were killed in fighting between Ansar-ul-Islam and Lashkar-e-Islam in Khyber. The Taliban threatened […]

Al Qaeda

Spain arrested three Algerian al Qaeda financiers behind operations in Iraq, Pakistan, Algeria, and Iran. The founder of al Qaeda’s first women-only website will be among several women to denounce al Qaeda during interviews to be aired on Saudi television.


Hezbollah said to train Shiite militiamen in Iraq


New Iraq report: 15 of 18 benchmarks satisfactory


Last US surge brigade begins leaving Iraq


ISOF, elite ISF units continue clean up operations in Amarah


Iraqi special forces detained 20 Mahdi Army fighters and found several large caches during operations in Amarah. US soldiers detained three Mahdi Army fighters in Baghdad’s Rashid district. Two al Qaeda fighters were captured in northern Iraq and four were captured south of Baghdad. One Iraqi civilian was killed and 40 wounded in a car […]