Monthly Archives: July 2008


Pakistan has suspended operations in Khyber and initiated peace talks with Lashkar-i-Islam. The government claimed the operation is a success. The Taliban kidnapped three journalists in Mohmand, three policemen in Hangu, and two paramilitary soldiers in North Waziristan. Nine Taliban fighters were detained in Tank.


Mullah Abdul Salaam blames Pakistanis and Iranians for attacks on British


BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan ‘knew of nuclear flight’


Britain gives Pakistan 1bn to fight extremism – Times Online


Pro-Taliban spirit lives on one year after Lal Masjid operation


The Pakistani government has started peace talks in Khyber. An operation to clear an area in Mohmand near Peshawar has been put on hold. The Mohmand Taliban ordered women to wear a veil. A political party warned of the Taliban takeover of Karachi while a Shia group plastered anti-Taliban graffiti in the city.


Police arrested 35 members of an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb-linked group known as Salafiya Jihadiya. The group recruited more than 30 jihadists and sent them to fight in Iraq, and was also planning terror attacks inside Morocco. Salafiya Jihadiya also has links to terror outfits in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey.


Algerians denounce Droukdel’s New York Times interview


A Threat Renewed – Ragtag Insurgency Gains a Lifeline From Al Qaeda


Coalition forces killed two al Qaeda operatives and detained 10 during raids in central and northern Iraq. US soldiers detained seven Special Groups fighters in Baghdad’s Rashid district. Iraqi security forces detained six Mahdi Army fighters in Basrah and two fighters in Wasit province.


Ex-general’s arrest an attack on Islam, says Muslim militia leader


Heavy fighting has been reported in Beletwein after Shabaab fighters ambushed an Ethiopian convoy. A Canadian man who became a high-ranking member of the Islamic Courts was killed during fighting in central Somalia. Four aid workers were kidnapped in Mogadishu.


Afghan troops killed 25 Taliban in Badghis and seven fighters in Paktika. Afghan and Coalition forces killed “several” Taliban fighter in Kandahar province and captured three fighters in Ghazni province. Five Afghan soldiers were killed in a roadside bomb attack in Logar province.


Iraq bans pictures of non-candidates in vote


Pakistani security forces detained 52 “militants” during two days of operations in Khyber. The Taliban burned a college and attacked a police post in Swat. Two Pakistanis were killed in a missile attack in Bajaur. Baitulah Mehsud called for the resumption of peace talks. Mullah Nazir has teamed up with a North Waziristan Taliban leader […]


Chad halts ‘holy war’ by Muslim leader, 70 killed