Monthly Archives: July 2008


Iraqi soldiers killed one suicide bomber and captured eight al Qaeda fighters in Mosul. Coalition forces detained nine al Qaeda fighters in the north. Iraqi troops captured a Mahdi Army company commander in Baghdad and six fighters in Basrah. Iraq soldiers closed down a Sadrist office in the Shula neighborhood in Baghdad.


Al-Qaeda is driven from Mosul bastion after bloody last stand


Iraq does not need neighboring countries’ approval to sign the security agreement – PM’s adviser


President Karzai is calling for an investigation into an attack in Kunar province. The governor claimed a US air attack killed 16 civilians while the US said its forces attack a Taliban convoy after being ambushed. An anti-Taliban member of parliament was assassinated in Zhari, Kandahar.


Syria ‘would break links with Iran’ if America steps in to help it


Pakistan makes little headway in Benazir Bhutto investigation


Gunmen assassinate Shiite official in Iraq

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda released a videotape commemorating the one-year anniversary of the siege and assault on the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque. Osama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri and Abu Yahya al Libi urge Muslims to remain united against the United States and took credit for attacks in London.


2 Pakistanis detained in South Korean bust on ‘Taliban™ drug ring

A Reflection on the Illogic of New Military Concepts


Syria: We’re thwarting militants along Iraq border


Explosion kills 4 in northern Yemen: official


Iran vows to pursue nuclear work despite incentives


The Iraqi military said 1,120 “wanted men” have been detained in the Maysan operation. Iraqi forces detained the former police commander in Maysan. Iraqi special forces captured seven Special Groups operatives in Amarah and three al Qaeda operatives in Fallujah. Coalition forces killed two al Qaeda fighters and detained 10 suspects during raids central and […]