Monthly Archives: July 2008


A senior adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader threatened to attack the US Navy and Tel Aviv if Iran’s nuclear program is targeted. President Ahmadinejad said he does not foresee war between Iran and the US and Israel. The US and UK completed a military exercise in the Persian Gulf.


Iran to hit Tel Aviv, US ships if attacked

String of bombings rock Karachi

Pakistan’s largest city and vital port is hit by seven small bombs. One person was killed and more than 50 were wounded in a city where extremism is on the rise.


More than 50 people were wounded in a series of small bombings in Karachi. The government met with the Swat Taliban to discuss the terms of the May 21 peace agreement. A peace jirga arrived in Khyber to negotiate directly with Lashkar-e-Islam leader Mangal Bagh. A military post in Mohmand was attacked from Afghanistan.


Police and military units clashed in the Lower Shabelle region. Shabaab terrorists killed a senior UN official and wounded two others. The prime minister accused the Islamic Courts of breaking the peace agreement signed last month. The chief of the courts in Hiran resigned after accusing the government of failing to do its job.


Nine civilians were killed and 12 were wounded in a suicide attack in Baqubah. The Iraqi Army claimed it captured the finance minister for al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq. Coalition forces captured 13 suspected al Qaeda operatives in central and northern Iraq. An Iraqi SWAT team captured five Special Groups operatives in central Iraq. […]


A suicide car bomb attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul killed 41, including India’s defense attache. Coalition special forces killed Mullah Nissam, a Taliban commander in Wardak province. Coalition forces killed “several” Taliban fighters and captured seven during a raid in Helmand province. The US military denied a strike in Nangarhar province killed 27 […]


Iraq says may agree timetable for US withdrawal


Iran says demand to halt enrichment illegitimate


Iraq’s al-Maliki wants short-term US agreement


Iran has resumed A-bomb project, says West


Pilot program helps ‘Sons of Iraq’ learn literary skills to land jobs


Fifteen policemen, including a police chief, were among 19 killed in a suicide bombing in Islamabad. The military will release all prisoners detained in the Khyber operation after the government agreed to end the offensive. The Taliban established sharia courts in Bajaur. The government and the Taliban swapped prisoners in Mohmand.


Police detained a senior al Qaeda leader in Kirkuk while 20 fighters surrendered in the city. Coalition forces captured four al Qaeda operatives during raids nationwide. US troops captured a Special Groups leader in Baghdad and blamed the Al Difili Special Groups cell for the bombing in Baghdad’s Sha’ab neighborhood.


Police forces nab key al-Qaeda commander in Kirkuk


‘Jihadistan’ in Hindu Kush – the rise of a terrorist state


Shabaab killed six Somalis, including a government official, in bombing in Mogadishu. Shabaab fighters seized the town of Walaweyn. Muktar Robow, spokesman for al Shabaab, threatened to attack Baidoa if lawmakers support an military operation.