Monthly Archives: July 2008


Culture of fear fades as Shi’ite gunmen depart


Mosul suicide car bombing kills 8 civilians, wounds 27


Four people were killed and more than 50 wounded in heavy fighting between pro-government forces and Alawite supporters of Hezbollah in the northern city of Tripoli. Israel is concerned that Hezbollah’s military power has increased since the 2006 war.


Twin bombings kill six in Iraq’s Sunni bastion


India, Pakistan, Fighting ‘Proxy Cold War’ in Afghanistan


Tiny Iraq navy to flex muscle as oil guardian


Three policemen and three “gunmen” were killed during a 15-minute shootout at the US consulate in Istanbul. “The terrorists were bearded men and had long hair,” one witness said. One of those killed had a Syrian passport, another committed suicide after being shot.

Al Qaeda

Hamza bin Laden, Osama’s son and likely successor, appeared on a videotape. He called for Muslim youth to help in the fight against the West and urged followers to “accelerate the destruction of America, Britain, France and Denmark.” Old stock footage of Osama was also shown on the tape.


Iran test fires long and medium range missiles


France Says No Sign Of Enrichment Freeze In Iran Letter


The US Departments of State and Treasury designated six Iranians and five Iranian industries as proliferators of weapons of mass destruction. Included on the list of individuals is Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps who currently serves as the chief adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


Five soldiers were killed and three were wounded in an ambush in Khyber. The Islamabad suicide bomber is said to hail from Tank. The Taliban have taken over two girls’ schools in Bajaur and are turning them into madrassa. A religious leader was gunned down in Swat. Information Minister Sherry Rehman is said to be […]


Iraqi security forces detained 35 insurgents in Baghdad. Thirteen members of the Maysan provincial council suspended membership over he detention of Sadrist leaders. A US soldier and an interpreter were wounded in an IRAM attack in Sadr City. Jordan’s King Abdullah postponed his trip to Iraq indefinitely due to “personal commitments.”


President Karzai’s official spokesman blamed Pakistan for the July 7 suicide car bombing attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul. One US soldier was killed and four were wounded in an IED attack in Kunar province. Four civilians were wounded in a rocket attack on a US base in Kunar; US forces killed “several” Taliban […]


Vehicle bombings in Iraq at lowest level in nearly 4 years

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda released its latest videotape via As Asahab, its propaganda arm. The tape, called “Jihad and Martyrdom,” features Abdul Hassan al Saeedi, an al Qaeda suicide bomber who attacked a US convoy in July 2007. Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan, and Abu Khalil al Madani, a memebr of al Qaeda’s central […]


Jordan’s King Abdullah to visit Iraq on Wednesday


Saudi Expects Deal Soon on Constructing Border Wall with Iraq | Asharq Alawsat


US soldier killed, four others injured in Baghdad


Three policemen injured in southern Yemen ambush