Monthly Archives: July 2008


Turkish army fights Kurd rebels, 11 killed: sources


An Afghan inquiry into a US airstrike in Nangarhar province last week found that 47 civilians were killed and nine wounded in the attack; the US has not completed its investigation. Two US soldiers were killed and one was wounded in an IED attack in Paktika province. “Several key members” were killed in an airstrike […]


A curfew has been imposed in Hangu after the Taliban lifted a siege of a police station. Five Pakistanis were killed during clashes between Lashkar-e-Islam and Ansar-ul-Islam in Khyber while five members of Lashkar-e-Islam were released from government custody. The Army will begin withdrawing from Swat in August. Six Pakistanis were killed in landmine attacks […]


Turkey detains four after attack, tightens security


Iran doctored missile test-firing photo: defence analyst


Shabaab forces seized the town of Deynunay, just 12 miles south of Baidoa, and withdrew after three hours. The Ethiopian military claimed it killed 71 Shabaab and Islamic Courts fighters during recent fighting. Kenya fears it will be drawn into the conflict as security deteriorates in Somalia.


Turkey and Iraq signed trade and security agreements, while Kuwait will name an ambassador to Iraq. US troops captured a “key” Special Groups leader in Baghdad. Iraqi forces captured five Special Groups operatives in central Iraq. Iraqi troops captured 20 insurgents in Babil, 19 in Baghdad, and 10 Islamic State of Iraq fighters in Mosul. […]


Iran launched another round of Shahab-3 missiles as part of a military exercise, then doctored the photographs of the test and distributed the photos to the Western media. France’s Total group has pulled out of a $10 billion deal to develop the South Pars natural gas fields.


Afghan security forces killed the Taliban “governor” of Faryab province. Afghan villagers in the northern province of Faryab killed two Taliban. India rejected reports that its consulate in Jalalabad was attacked. NATO is seeking to get AWACS support from European countries. President Karzai fired the governor of Nuristan after he criticized NATO airstrikes.


Iraq, Turkey to sign strategic agreement


US Troops in Iraq Face A Powerful New Weapon


Eight civilians were killed and more than 30 wounded in a car bomb attack on the commanding general in Ninewa province. Coalition forces captured two suspected criminals in the Shula neighborhood in Baghdad and a “high-ranking” Special Groups officer in Zafaraniyah. Iraqi forces captured three “armed group leaders” in Karbala. The last US “surge” brigade […]


A peace deal has been signed in Khyber. Five soldiers were killed in an attack in Khyber. The Taliban ended the siege of a police station in Hangu. The Muttahida Jihad Council threatened attacks in Islamabad if Pakistan negotiates with India over Kashmir. More than 3,000 women vowed to have jihadi children at a ceremony […]


The US Marines said they have killed more than 400 Taliban in southern Afghanistan since April. Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Talilan subcommander in Logar province. India said it would stay in Afghanistan despite the attack on its embassy in Kabul.


Iran Gen.: Our finger is always on the trigger