Monthly Archives: July 2008

Al Qaeda

Khawaja sent money to bomb plotter through friend, court hears

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda spokesman and commander Abu Yahya al Libi released a seven-minute videotape titled “A Message To One of the Sheiks” via the Al Fajr Media Center. Al Libi said the attacks on Coalition bases and suicide attacks show the Taliban is gaining strength, and the Taliban is “determined to turn the upcoming winter to […]


Iraq handing out cash to people on the streets


Experts Point to Deceptions in Iran™s Military Display


Singapore Jemaah Islamiyah leader may be in Indonesia: police

Terrorist’s burka-disguise fiancee jailed


Iraq dismisses report on Israeli air drills


Iraqi Security Forces put spotlight on corruption


China Shuts Down 41 Illegal Mosques In Xinjiang Province


Coalition forces detained an al Qaeda bombing-cell leader and eight additional suspects in separate operations. Iraqi troops arrested 23 insurgents in southern Baghdad province. Iraqi security forces arrested 25 Sadrists during a raid on a mosque in Diwaniyah. The US military has denied Iranian reporters access to Coalition facilities.


The Taliban said it would kill hostages if a Hangu Taliban leader is not released. Taliban fighters destroyed three police checkpoints in Charsadda. Lashkar-e-Islam and the Ansar-ul-Islam have declared a cease-fire. Supporters of the Lal Masjid threatened the Daily Aaj newspaper for mocking extremists.


NATO: Insurgents try to pit Afghanistan against Pakistan


Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Muqtar Robow called on all Islamist groups to converge on Baidoa and attack Ethiopian and government forces. Shabaab troops beheaded government soldiers in a nearby town. Two Somali soldiers were killed in Mogadishu. The DBG aid group suspended operations after one of its employees was murdered.

Former Terrorist™s Advice for Fighting Jihad: Think Globally, Act Locally


Coalition forces, US embassy ban Iranian media from accessing coalition bases


Hezbollah has been given veto power in Lebanon’s new coalition government as the party and its allies have 11 of the 27 cabinet seats. Hezbollah is building a second line of defense in Christian villages north of the Litani River in southern Lebanon.


Thaland: 128 teachers, students, staff killed since Jan 2004