Monthly Archives: June 2008


Baghdad Base’s New Generators Run on Trash


Calm in Basra May Offer A Guide for Iraqi Security


Five senior Sadrist leaders and a provincial department director were detained along with dozens of Mahdi Army fighters and 20 policemen in Amarah. Iraqi and US forces detained three senior-level Mahdi Army commanders during raids in Baghdad and Hillah. Coalition forces killed four al Qaeda fighters and detained 18 during raids around Baghdad and detained […]


Fifty-eight percent of Pakistanis support negotiations with the Taliban; 50 percent support negotiations with al Qaeda. The Northwest Frontier Province government is fighting to save the Swat peace accord but said it would not allow the Taliban to take over Peshawar. The Taliban warned truck drivers to stop transporting supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan.


Iraqi crackdown angers cleric’s supporters


AP Exclusive: Probe halts rebuilding of Iraqi city


Hundreds of Shiites protest US-Iraqi security deal


Ahmadinejad says plot to kill him in Iraq foiled


Iran Threatens ‘Strong Blow’ if Arch-Enemy Israel Strikes


Iraqi oil pipeline sabotage drops sharply


Two policemen were killed in an attack that targeted President Abdullahi Yusuf’s convoy in Mogadishu. A senior Somali military officer resigned after claiming Ethiopian military officers interfered with his command. The provincial government and security forces are reported to have withdrawn from Beledweyne in Hiran.


Five civilians and one Coalition soldier were killed in a suicide attack on an Afghan Army convoy in the Gershk district in Helmand province. Afghan and Canadian forces are wrapping up operations against the Taliban in the Arghandab district in Kandahar; 56 Taliban have been confirmed killed. One Coalition soldier was killed and three were […]


Nineteen civilians and six Taliban were killed after the Taliban ambushed and looted a convoy in Kurram. Four Pakistani soldiers were killed by Kashmiri terrorists as they crossed the Line of Control. The Swat Taliban said it would suspend the peace agreement if its prisoners were not released. Peshawar business leaders said they are concerned […]


Iraqi security forces detained the Sadrist mayor of Amarah. US troops captured four Mahdi Army fighters in Baghdad. Iraqi soldiers detained nine al Qaeda operatives in Mosul. The Sharqat Emergency Response Unit captured three al Qaeda fighters.


Funding for Sons of Iraq groups phasing out


Iran’s foreign minister said it is ready to negotiate a package of economic incentives in exchange for agreements to curb its nuclear program. Britain is pushing the European Union to adopt stricter sanctions against Iran. President Ahmadinejad said the West failed to stop Iran from enriching uranium.


Al-Mahdi Army militias routed without a shot fired