Monthly Archives: May 2008


Senior Iran cleric says president spreads poverty


Central Court sentences Mosul archbishop killer to death


Secret operation launched in Baghdad to secure Britons’ release


Kirkuk Police chief arrested on alleged collaboration with gunmen


Coalition forces killed six “enemy personnel” near Khan Bani Sa™ad and captured 15 al Qaeda operatives in raids throughout Iraq. Iraqi security forces detained 50 “wanted persons” near Amara. Four Iraqis were reported killed and 38 wounded in clashes between the Iraqi Army and the Mahdi Army in Sadr City. A police chief in Kirkuk […]


A suicide bomber killed four Afghanis and wounded eight in an attack on a police chief in Musa Qala in Helmand province. One NATO solider and a civilian were killed an IED attack in Zabul province. Afghan soldiers killed 15 Taliban fighter in Badghis province.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 13 Pakistanis, including four policemen, and wounded 22 in a blast at a bakery in Mardan. A Pakistani general said al Qaeda is not plotting attacks from the tribal areas as he showed suicide training camps run by Baituallh Mehsud. The Taliban occupied the home of a minister of parliament […]


Iraqi forces, Shiite militants fight in Sadr City

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden will release yet another tape in the next several days, according a banner posted by Al Ekhlass, an al Qaeda-linked web forum. The banner said bin Laden will make a “very strong statement” to the Muslim world. His last audio tape was released on May 16 and addressed the state of Israel.


FBI Most Wanted Jaber Elbaneh was jailed after losing his appeal. Evidence against the Yemeni-American in the 2006 pre-election attack on oil facilities was weak, Interior Minister Rashad al Alimi said in defending Elbaneh’s prior release on bail after he surrendered to President Saleh.


Sadr City residents start receiving urgent services


‘Wipe Out the Jews’ : Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam


Iraq Al Sadr Bloc denies relations with Iran


Dutch Cartoonist Arrested on Suspicion of Violating Hate Speech Law


Shabaab fighters took control of the towns of Jilib, Dinsoor, and Bal’ad. Three militia fighters were killed and three more were wounded during the fighting in Jilib. Four Ethiopian soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. Four Ethiopian soldiers and three Shabaab fighters were wounded in a firefight after the attack.


US soldier uses Quran for target practice; military apologizes