Monthly Archives: May 2008


NATO and Afghan forces killed 14 Taliban fighters near the Pakistani border in Zabul province. Seven of the fighters were Pakistanis, according to the deputy governor. Two NATO troops were killed in an IED attack in Ghazni province. The US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said violence is up in Afghanistan.


US urges Pakistan to nab Taliban chief, in test of anti-terror zeal


A peace deal with Baitullah Mehsud may be finalized on May 21. The government insists the Army will remain in South Waziristan and Swat. Six soldiers and four civilians were wounded in an IED attack in Kohat. A solider was killed in an attack in Swat.


Noordin Mohammad Top, a senior Jemaah Islamiah operative, is believed to have escaped a police dragnet and fled the country, according to Indonesian police. A recently arrested terrorist who was transferred to Indonesian custody said an Algerian helped him escape to a neighboring country.


The Iraqi Army has moved into Sadr City. Coalition forces captured a Special Groups operative in Baghdad’s Rashid district. Iraqi forces captured a Mahdi Army commander in Baghdad. Coalition forces killed a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader in Samarra and detained 20 operatives. US Special Operations Forces captured an al Qaeda cell leader in […]


Iraqi Troops Make Push to Regain Control of Sadr City

Al Qaeda

Britain: Terror suspects claim detention caused mental harm


Italy: Muslims to protest against new security measures


Report: Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions Fueling Mideast Arms Race

Iraqi Army presses into Sadr City

Six battalions of soldiers moved beyond the barrier to take positions throughout the northern two-thirds of the Mahdi Army stronghold. Iraqi troops met little resistance. Raids continue against the Mahdi Army outside Sadr City.


Islamic Cleric: President Musharraf Has Turned Pakistan Into A US Colony


Australian and Dutch forces have launched an offensive in Uruzgan province. NATO is increasing its presence on the Pakistani border. Two NATO soldiers were killed in attacks. Four Afghan soldiers and an interpreter were wounded in an IED attack in Paktika province.


After weeks of fighting, GIs in eastern part of city are guessing what a lull in the action might mean

Al Qaeda

The Spectacle of War: Insurgent video propaganda and Western response


Pakistan freed a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner and an Afghan Taliban commander in exchange for its ambassador to Afghanistan. Qari Hussain, a Taliban leader and bomb maker, may have been killed in South Waziristan. The military found a Taliban suicide camp that recruited boys in South Waziristan. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the Mardan suicide […]


Not Licensed to Kill: German Special Forces in Afghanistan Let Taliban Commander Escape


Talks between Hezbollah and the government stalled in Doha. Samir Geagea, the leader of the Maronite Christian Lebanese Forces milita said Arab peacekeepers would be needed if talks break down. Fighting broke out between supporters of Fatah and and Jund al Sham in the Ein al Hilwah camp in Sidon.