Monthly Archives: May 2008


Islamic Courts leader Hassan Dahir Aweys said he wants to create an Islamic Republic in Somalia. The Islamic Courts and the clan controlling Kismayo may have entered into a secret pact to fight the government and the Ethiopians. The Islamic Courts and pirates are fighting in the town of Hobyo. Five Ugandan soldiers were wounded […]


A peace deal with the government and the Taliban in South Waziristan is in its final phase, Taliban spokesman Maulvi Umar said. Baituallh Mehsud denied being behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the kidnapping of the ambassador to Afghanistan. Afghanistan believes Mullah Mansoor Dadullah was among those exchanged for Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan. The […]


Five Taliban were killed in a premature detonation of an IED in Khost province. A Taliban suicide bomber killed a child and four soldiers in Helmand province. NATO and Afghan forces launched an operation in Kunar province. A judge ruled the US Marine special operation company involved the the Kandahar firefight in March 2007 “acted […]


Pentagon says growth of al Qaeda safe havens ‘troubling’


Iraqi security forces detain al Qaeda leader north of Baghdad


Iran and Syria to attend Iraq meeting in Sweden: U.N.


Shia clerics close to Ayatollah Sistani denied reports he issued fatwas permitting attacks on Coalition forces. Iraqi special operations forces captured a financier and weapons smuggler that operates along the Iranian border in Az Zubayr. Coaition forces captured four Special Groups operatives in Rashadiyah. Coalition forces captured six al Qaeda operatives and detained 15 suspects […]


Shi’a Clerics Dispute Sistani Fatwas Report


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was “stunned” and “furious” over news of Syrian negotiations with Israel, which he regards as a “breach” of Iranian-Syrian commitments. He has ordered Iran’s media not to report on the development. Iran is seeking foreign help to enrich uranium.


Iranians ‘shocked’ at new Syria talks

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda spokesman Abu Yahya al Libi released a video on the Internet where he criticized Muslim leaders and nations for their talks with Christians and Jewish spiritual leaders. He scolded Saudi Arabia for planned a conference to promote moderation and fight extremism and Qatar for establishing a Christian church. “If it wasn’t for our […]

Al Qaeda

Supreme Guide of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Discusses his Admiration for Bin Laden


Iraq: Shia leader wants punishment for Koran shooting


Five soldiers and policemen were wounded in a series of bombings and shooting in Yala and Pattani provinces in the insurgency-plagued South. Police killed one Muslim terrorist and wounded two after a gunfight broke out during a raid in Yala province. Three police were wounded.

United Kingdom

British police arrested a man for attempting to detonate a bomb at a restaurant in Exeter. “Our investigations so far indicate [Nicky] Reilly, who has a history of mental illness, had adopted the Islamic faith,” a deputy chief constable said. “We believe, despite his weak and vulnerable state, he was preyed upon, radicalized and taken […]


Top Al Qaeda leaders were inside Pakistan: Top US commander


Coalition forces killed six al Qaeda operatives and detained 30 in raids throughout Iraq. The Baqubah SWAT detained 29 suspected terrorists. Iraqi security forces arrested 12 wanted terrorists in Al Qaim, including a senior al Qaeda commander. Coalition forces captured six Special Groups operatives outside of Baghdad.


The Taliban said they should control the border with Afghanistan to prevent US attacks. The UN will monitor the Swat peace agreement. The Taliban said peace depends on the enforcement of sharia law. A journalist was gunned down after conducting an interview with Taliban spokesman Maulvi Omar in Bajaur. The government may shut down the […]

No talk of Iran blockade: US speaker

Petraeus terms military action in Iran “last resort”


Eleven members of an alleged al Qaeda-linked terrorist network were arrested in Morocco this week after plans for attacks in that North African country and in Belgium were uncovered. Investigators said the terror cell was affiliated to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and recruited volunteers to fight in Iraq.


An unidentified gunman who fired at police was tracked down and killed by security forces in the Nadterechny district of Chechnya. The Russian Joint Group of Forces in the North Caucasus eliminated 32 insurgents in Chechnya this year as of April 27, the group’s commander said this week. The high-ranking military official also said, “Unfortunately, […]