Monthly Archives: May 2008


Moroccan Police Arrest One of Nine Escaped Terrorists Linked to Deadly 2003 Bombings


Task Force Saber soldiers wonder if Afghan troops will stay at remote border crossing after they leave


US: Iran Named As Top State Sponsor Of Terrorism


The Iraqi government has sent a delegation to confront Iran over its support for Shia terrorists. US troops killed 27 Mahdi Army fighters and one Special Groups leader in Sadr City. Twenty-three civilians were killed and 60 wounded in a dual suicide attack in Balad Ruz in Diyala province. Iraqi police and US forces killed […]


Large amount of weapons found in Shiite mosque in Baghdad

Afghanistan™s National Army: The Ambiguous Prospects of Afghanization


Police forces defuse 12 roadside bombs, seize weapons in Basrah


The US military has confirmed it carried out the airstrike that killed Shabaab leader Aden Hashi Ayro and Sheikh Muhyadin Omar. A tribal leader in Dhusamareb said 30 Somalis have been killed in the airstrike.


Iraq Sends Delegation to Iran to Discuss Arms Concerns


The Taliban have retaken control of Darra Adam Khel after the Army withdrew from the region. The Taliban is taxing vehicles traveling on the Indus Highway. The Tehreek-e-Ittehad Qabail, a tribal organization in North Waziristan, extended its support to the Taliban. Swat’s Mullah Fazlullah said he is ready for talks with the government during a […]


Iraqi police: Double suicide attack kills 30, wounds 65


Italy: One out of three oppose new mosques, says survey

Plot to kill Karzai began in Pakistan, officials say

Report: Taliban strengthens in Afghanistan

Nigeria: No Proof of Global Terror in Nigeria, Says US

Key facts on hunted al Qaeda militants in Somalia


Sidi Ould Sidna, the suspected al Qaeda-linked killer of four French tourists in Mauritania, who escaped from Nouakchott’s main courthouse earlier this month, has been recaptured by Mauritanian authorities. Sidna was arrested with at least four other Islamic combatants in the Arafat district of the capital, police said.


CIA’s Hayden: Syria was on verge of becoming nuclear power


Afghan officials confirmed Sunday’s attack against President Karzai was the work of the Haqqani Network. Nine were killed and 10 were wounded in an IED attack in Logar province. Newly planted landmines killed eight Afghans, three of them children, in the restive southern city of Spin Boldak. Canadian forces are actively pursuing talks with the […]


Iraqi Shiite MPs in Iran for talks with Sadr to end clashes