Monthly Archives: May 2008


MI6 chief visits Mossad for talks on Iran’s nuclear threat


AFRICOM halts HQ plan; will phase in staff


Mahdi Army fighters grateful for sand storm standstills in Sadr City


The Turkish military said an estimated 150 fighters from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were killed during airstrikes in the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq over the past week. A PKK spokesman said that only six fighters were killed during the raid.


Islamic Courts fighters lobbed a hand grenade at a police commander of the Horsed village; three civilians were wounded. Ethiopian soldiers have begun house-to-house search operations in areas near the Warshadaha toll road in Mogadishu. The leader of the African Union urged member countries to provide more troops to Somalia.


Karbala operations commander accuses Iran of disturbing the city


Yemenis protest mosque bomb as northern truce falters


Iran to UK: Don’t cross red lines in atomic offer


Iraq presents proof of Iranian meddling: official


At least 17 Taliban fighters were killed during a joint Coalition-Afghan operation in southern Zabul’s Shar-e-Safa district on Friday. One British soldier was killed and three others injured after their vehicle struck a landmine in Helmand’s Taliban controlled Now-zad district. The US is considering retaking command of NATO troops in southern Afghanistan in the coming […]


The Iraqi government has ignored the Sadrist bloc’s request for a negotiated settlement to the fighting in Baghdad. US troops killed eight Mahdi Army fighters in Sadr City. Iraqi troops captured a Special Groups commander in Baghdad. Coalition forces killed four al Qaeda operatives and captured 19 during raids throughout Iraq. A US Predator crashed […]


Haji Namdar, a Taliban commander in Khyber agency, is teaching his followers not to fight the Pakistani government. Namdar does advocate jihad against US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. “Yes, we do attack the US forces across the border and that is what real jihad is all about,” he said. The Hakeemullah Group, a Taliban […]


Iraq’s Shiite clerics deeply divided on militia crackdown


Sadrist bloc awaits government’s response on parliamentary initiative – spokesman


The US said it may increase forces in Afghanistan by 7,000 troops next year, which would put more than 40,000 troops in country. Afghan and Coalition forces detained three members of the Haqqani Network in Khost province.


Suicide bomber in Iraq faked pregnancy, US military says


Fifteen people were killed and 35 wounded at a mosque bombing in the northern Sa’ada province where a four-year war between the government and Zaidi Shiite rebels has displaced 77,000 people. The government has placed the blame on rebel leader Abdul Malik al Houthi after detaining several suspects. Houthi denied the charges, saying the attack […]

Sadr City barrier ‘a magnet’ for Mahdi Army attacks

The large majority of the direct attacks on US and Iraqi forces by the Mahdi Army are occurring on Qods Street, where the barrier is being erected to separate the Iraqi Army and US controlled sections of Sadr City from the northern portion of the district.