Monthly Archives: May 2008


Iran suspended talks with the US on Iraq’s security after complaining about US attacks on the Mahdi Army and other Iranian-backed militias. Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran would not give up its nuclear program despite new incentives offered by the West. “We will continue on our path with power and will not allow […]


Egypt considers reopening Embassy in Baghdad


Algerian soldiers arrested a group of 15 people suspected of joining a local al Qaeda cell in Blida province. The French Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories visited Algeria to help strengthen security relations between the two countries.


A civilian helicopter contracted by Coalition forces made an emergency landing in Kunar province after being struck by heavy insurgent fire. The chopper landed safely at a Coalition outpost. Three accidental explosions in the Afghan capital have left nine people dead and more than 20 wounded, including some counternarcotics police.


Kurdish Rebels Threaten Attacks Against US Interests Abroad


Sudan bombs Darfur school and market, 13 killed


US and Iraq troops killed 15 and captured 56 al Qaeda operatives during raids nationwide. US and Iraqi troops killed 14 Mahdi Army fighters and captured two Special Groups operatives in Baghdad and two more in Hillah. Iraqi troops cleared the Al Latif neighborhood in Basrah. Four US Marines were killed in a bombing in […]


Al Qaeda Loses Yet Another Sunni Insurgent Ally in Iraq Amid Allegations of “Threats” and “Blackmail”


Attack on Iraqi first lady’s convoy wounds soldiers, civilians

Baghdad police show progress, but challenges remain

Bill Ardolino interviews an Iraqi Police general in the Rusafa district in central Baghdad. The general discusses the state of the police, the security situation, integration of the Sons of Iraq into the security forces, and problems with the militias.


Islamic insurgents clashed with police in Chechnya killing at least two law enforcement officials. Unidentified gunmen assassinated a commander of the patrol service regiment in the Vedeno region of Chechnya as he approached the gate to his house. Police have launched a search and destroy operation targeting a band of 30 insurgents who ambushed a […]

Afghanistan expects bigger Korean role

Canadians in Catch-22 compensating Afghan poppy growers


Two Afghan officials, one from the the Interior Ministry and the other from the Defense Ministry, have been arrested for having links with an al Qaeda network and for their involvement in the attack against President Karzai late last month. Several insurgents and police officers were killed in a gun battle in Paktika province. Several […]


Ex-Iranian president: Fomenting violence abroad ‘treason’


Army, insurgents in clash in northern Mali despite cease-fire; 5 dead


Beware of force on militias, Iran tells Iraq


Sheik Sharif Ahmed, the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, said the killing of Shabaab leader Aden Hashi Ayro would derail negotiations. Three Ethiopian soldiers were killed in a bombing in Mogadishu. Ethiopian troops have established bases near Jowhar, where the Islamic Courts have been active. A Somali elder in Puntland was arrested after criticizing […]


The information minister for the Northwest Frontier Province said talks with the Taliban are still underway. A Taliban leader in Khyber agency ordered Baitullah Mehsud’s fighters to leave the agency. The Taliban said the government should hold talks with Mullah Fazlullah, not Sufi Mohammed, to restore peace in Swat. The Taliban torched a girls’ school […]


United States is drawing up plans to strike on Iranian insurgency camp


US soldiers destroyed a Special Groups command and control center and killed 14 Mahdi Army fighters in Sadr City. Iraqi Special Operations Forces captured a Special Groups leader and detained a member of his company in Baghdad. US troops found an EFP cache in Warij in southern Baghdad province. Coalition forces detained 14 al Qaeda […]