Monthly Archives: May 2008


Proposed Iraqi law could blunt anti-US cleric’s power


US and Iraqi forces killed 18 Mahdi Army fighters and captured nine in Baghdad. US and Iraqi force captured 15 al Qaeda operatives and 38 insurgents during operation in Iraq. A Sadrist spokesman said Muqtada is in Iraq.


Senior Iraqi Official: Terrorism in Middle East Can Be Eradicated Only With Regional Cooperation – But Syria, Iran Are Assisting the Terrorists


Ethiopia rejected claims by Amnesty International that Ethiopian troops slaughter and rape Somali civilians, saying it is propaganda from Shabaab. Three Ethiopian troops were killed in an attack in Mogadishu. Somalia’s president requested that France send soldiers and naval forces to help secure the country.


Iraqi militia commanders harden stance toward US


A suicide bomber killed three and wounded 10 Pakistanis in Bannu. Two police were killed in Swat. The Taliban has taken control of police stations in Swat. Five suicide bombers associated with Baitullah Mehsud are reported to have entered Karachi. A bail hearing for Maulana Abdul Aziz, the former leader of Islamabad’s Red Mosque, has […]


Muqtada al Sadr in Najaf – Sadrist lawmaker


Indonesian police arrested Faiz Fauzan, a key member of Jemaah Islamiyah who was behind the suicide bombings on the resort island of Bali in 2005. Fauzan was a close associate of Jemaah Islamiyah operatives Noordin Muhammad Top and Azahari Husin. Fauzan “is suspected of involvement in the planning of the second Bali bombings and among […]


AFP: Iran ex-president rebuked over insurgent remarks


Document lists 6,000 al Qaeda suicide bombers in Iraq


Unit finds peace by immersing itself daily in Iraqi village


US military chief in overstretch warning on Iran


Out of Africa: a growing threat to Europe from al Qaeda’s new allies


US and Iraqi troops killed 18 Mahdi Army operatives in Baghdad. US and Iraqi troops killed six al Qaeda operatives and captured 20, including a mid-level al Qaeda leader and two cell commanders. Al Qaeda killed 10 Iraqi soldiers and wounded 13 in an attack on a checkpoint in Diyala province.


Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for an April 30 mortar attack on the Italian Embassy in Sana’a. The shells fell short and landed near the neighboring Customs Ministry. Al Qaeda earlier claimed responsibility for a March 18 mortar attack that missed the US embassy, and an April 6 mortar attack on a western residential compound that […]


An Army official was wounded after the Taliban resumed attacks in South Waziristan. The Taliban attacked a village in Kurram agency. Haji Namdar’s Taliban group in Khyber agency has established a virtue and vice squad to punish those who miss prayers and shave their beards. The residents of Mardan fear the Taliban will resume attacks […]


Twelve civilians were wounded in a bombing at a Red Crescent fair in Narathiwat province. Muslim terrorists also burned down two schools and shut down transformers during attacks in Pattani province.