Monthly Archives: May 2008

United Kingdom

A British judge ruled that Abu Qatada, Osama bin Laden’s spiritual ambassador in Europe, must be released on bail. Qatada applied for bail with the Special Immigration Appeals Commission after his deportation to Jordan was denied. Jordan has sentenced Qatada to life in prison.


The government continues to push for talks with Baitullah Mehsud. Another girls’ school is torched in Swat. A tribal jirga is negotiating the release of seven Pakistani troops in Mohmand agency.


The fighting in Lebanon enters its second day as Hezbollah battles pro-government Sunni groups in Beirut. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed to fight. “Those who try to arrest us, we will arrest them. Those who shoot at us, we will shoot at them. The hand raised against us, we will cut it off,” he said. […]


The Taliban™s shadow governor and police chief for Ghor province were killed along with four other Taliban fighters in a shootout with police. A Taliban suicide car bomber detonated near a Coalition convoy in western Kabul killing himself and wounding several civilians nearby. Australian forces in Afghanistan have been accused of mistreating Taliban detainees.


Iran’s intelligence chief accused the US and the Britain of being behind the bombing of a mosque in Shiraz. Previously the government said the explosion was an accident. A British court has said the country’s designation of the People™s Mujahedeen of Iran, or MEK, as a terrorist group was wrong, and the MEK would be […]


Hezbollah: Lebanon Government’s Calling Telecom Network Illegal Is Tantamount to ‘Declaration of War’


Al-Mahdi army leader, 2 aides detained in Karbala


Iraqi government closes the Sadr’s radio station


Iran Blames US, Britain for Mosque Explosion That Killed 12


Iraqi Soldiers Warn Residents in Embattled Sadr City to Leave Homes


Has the Surge Put Iraq on the Path to Success?


Iranian Exiles Aren™t Terrorist Group, British Court Says – New York Times


Iraqi security forces killed eight “gunmen” in Baghdad. Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained 14 during raids nationwide. US and Iraqi forces captured 30 al Qaeda operatives in Balad Ruz. Iraqi Special Operations Forces detained seven Special Groups operatives in and around Sadr City. US and Sons of Iraqi forces killed four […]


Interview with an Afghan Kidnapper: Hostage-Takers Thought German Said ‘Shoot Me, Shoot Me’


Eight Somali soldiers were killed and six were wounded during an IED attack on their convoy in Baidoa. Two police and two civilians were killed during an IED attack in Mogadishu. Ethiopian troops pulled out of the town of Bulo-Burte. The Islamic Courts have retaken the town of Johwar.

Al Qaeda

Report: True Identity of ‘Islamic State of Iraq™ Leader Revealed, Photos Aired


A tribal jirga made direct contact with Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in North Waziristan. The Taliban torched a girls’ primary school in Swat. The UN is reviewing Benazir Bhutto’s murder case. The US declined to send $81 million in military aid requested by Pakistan.


The Iraqi government is preparing its case on Iran’s involvement in the Shia insurgency. “It’s a bit disingenuous to believe such quantities of up-to-date weapons manufactured this year, last year, can flow into the country without the knowledge of the Iranian government,” said Iraq’s ambassador to the UN. An al Qaeda operative said Iran is […]


Iran clerics rebuke Ahmadinejad over ‘hidden imam’


Iran protests to Iraq over disputed Gulf islands


Iraq Sunnis urge Arabs to act against ‘Iranian occupation’

Al Qaeda

Report: Al Qaeda-Linked Militant Says Iran Supports Sunni Fighters in Iraq