Monthly Archives: May 2008


Lebanon’s cabinet is expected to cancel the orders to replace pro-Hezbollah secuirty chief of the Beirut airport and the dismantling of Hezbollah’s communications network. Sunni groups are building a political and security bloc to oppose Hezbollah’s power. The Syrian press said Hezbollah’s actions are “legitimate.”


Pakistan: Prisoner swap ahead of peace deal with militants


US troops search in Baghdad’s Sadr City


Jamaat-e-Islami Leader: US Is Eternal Enemy Of Islam And Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda has purportedly ordered its fighters to leave Saudi Arabia and move to to Yemen. “Leave the country for Yemen, lest [you] be killed or arrested by Saudi security forces,” the statement said on a website.

Al Qaeda

US Drops Charges Against Alleged ’20th Hijacker’ in September 11 Attacks


Iranian Official Accuses al-Maliki of Surrendering to the US


Hariri vows March 14 leaders ‘will not surrender’


Iraqi troops have begun operations in Qurnah north of Basrah. Prime Minister Maliki denied the Basrah operation is fully underway. Iraqi troops are operating in the Mahdi Army-controlled neighborhood of Shula in Baghdad. Iraqi troops captured two senior al Qaeda leaders near Mosul while five soldiers were killed and four wounded in a bombing in […]


Fight continues in Darra Adam Khel as the Indus Highway remains closed due to Taliban attacks. A soldier was killed in a mortar and rocket attack on a check post in Bajaur. During peace talks in Sawt, the Taliban distributed pamphlets asking the government, military, and people of Pakistan to join hands with the Taliban […]

Clashes continue in Sadr City

Iraqi and US forces kill 11 Mahdi Army fighters over the past 24 hours as the Mahdi Army continues to conduct attacks on barrier emplacement teams and patrols. The Iraqi Army has reinforced the Shula neighborhood.


Eight bombs were detonated in the tourist city of Jaipur. More than 80 have been killed and 200 wounded in the attacks. Security officials suspect the Bangladesh-based Harkat ul Jihad al Islami, an al Qaeda affiliate, as being behind the attacks.


Operation Charge of Knights enters new phase in al Qurnah


Two al-Qaeda senior commanders captured east of Mosul


Al Jazeera English – Fresh Battles Rock North Lebanon


Jumblatt’s Men Set Back Iran’s Militia in Lebanon


Bin Laden host Hassan al-Turabi held after rebel raid on Khartoum