Monthly Archives: May 2008


The Taliban freed the Pakistani ambassador to Afghanistan after three months of captivity. The Army is withdrawing from strategic positions in South Waziristan. The Taliban and the military are exchanging prisoners. The Taliban beheaded a soldier in Bajaur.


Iraqi security forces captured 36 “gunmen” in northern Wasit province. US troops killed two Special Groups fighters in western Baghdad. Iraqi soldiers captured a Special Groups cell leader in Husayniyah. Iraqi and Coalition forces detained three wanted al Qaeda operatives in Mosul. Two female suicide bombers attacked the Sons of Iraq and the Iraqi security […]


Ten Taliban were killed during fighting in Farah and Khost provinces; four civilians were killed in Taliban bombings in Paktia and Kandahar provinces. A NATO helicopter carrying the governor of Helmand province was hit by ground fire and forced to land; no one was injured. A bomb exploded outside a police station in Kabul; no […]


Iranian Embassy did not coordinate its movements with Iraqi security officials -spokesman


The northern Sa’ada war expanded to Amran and al Jawf provinces killing 50. A Qatari mediation team is unable to implement an agreement that calls for both the rebels and military to disengage. Heavy military bombardment in Sa’ada has severely curtailed civilians’ ability to procure food and water.


Iran says mosque bombers planned oil pipeline attack


Pakistani politicians admit they are not concerned with ending attacks in Afghanistan that originate in Pakistan. Pakistani troops have begun to withdraw from South Wazirstan. Sufi Muhammad, the recently released leader of the TNSM, will push for sharia law throughout Pakistan.


Afghan and NATO forces killed eight Taliban fighters during clashes in Zabul and Khost; one Afghan soldier was killed in an IED attack in Kandahar. The Taliban sent a 10-year-old boy suicide bomber to attack a Canadian and Afghan patrol in Kandahar; one Afghan soldier was killed. Afghan security forces found a major weapons cache […]

Al Qaeda

Terrorism: Suspects linked to al Qaeda arrested in Europe

Al Qaeda

Germany: Threat of Islamic terrorism ‘consistently high’, says report


(Pakistan) – Police questioning three terror suspects claiming to be journalists


Iran calls UN sanctions illegal, offers a proposal for talks

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden will release a tape addressing the 60th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israeli according to a banner posted at the Al Ekhlass forum. Al Qaeda is threatening to attack the Euro 2008 football tournament, according to Swiss police.


Afghanistan copper deposits worth $88 billion attract Chinese investors

House considers putting Kennedy, Kitty Hawk back into service in five years