Monthly Archives: April 2008


Report: Iraq will spend $350M to settle ‘hot spots™


Suicide bombings in Baqubah, Mosul, and Ramadi killed more than fifty Iraqis. Coalition forces detained 22 al Qaeda operatives during raids in the Tigris River Valley and the North. US troops killed five Mahdi Army fighters in Sadr City.


The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan said it would stop fighting the government if negotiations are successful. The Taliban also started a two-day conference in Mohmand Agency. The Lashkar-e-Islam sent threatening letters to factory owners demanding they shut down their business.

Al Qaeda

Abu Omar al Baghdadi, the fictitious leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq, released an audiotape calling for former Sunni insurgents now part of the police, Army, Awakening Councils, and the Sons of Iraq movements to rejoin the fight against the government and the US. Baghdadi is played by an actor named Abu Abdullah […]

Afghanistan: Supreme Court issues 100 death sentences

Bernier’s call to oust Kandahar governor reflects growing discontent


Two Afghan police were killed after their vehicle was blown up by a remote-controlled bomb in the southern town of Spin Boldak. Canadian officials have called on President Karzai to remove Assadullah Khalid from the governor’s post in Kandahar province. A Coalition operation in Khost province netted five insurgents including Mohammad Ghanam, a Haqqani network […]


Six Somali pirates who seized a French luxury yacht and held its 30 crew members hostage for a week will be brought to France to face trial. Somalia called for the deployment of a multinational force to assist in ending the decades-long civil war. A British teacher killed in Somalia yesterday was targeted because he […]


Mauritanian authorities uncovered a terror cell suspected of planning attacks against Western and governmental interests in the country. Fallout from the terrorist assault on the Israeli embassy in Mauritania in late January has prompted Mauritanian officials to “review its relations with the Jewish state.”


Coalition Launches Capacity-Building Operation South of Baghdad


US hopes to counter Mahdi Army’s clout in Baghdad


Iran says it will eliminate Israel if it attacks


Abdul Rohim and Agus Purwanto, two Jemaah Islamiyah operatives arrested in Malaysia in January, have been extradited to Indonesia. Rohim sat on Jemaah Islamiyah’s central committee and is believed to have replaced Zarkasih as the group’s leader. Purwanto is thought to have served as a doctor for Noordin Top and was wanted in connection with […]


Separate Bombings in Iraq Kill 53, Scores Wounded


Iran: Official Explanation Of Deadly Mosque Explosion Questioned


Marines to cut forces in stable Anbar province

When Sons of Iraq grow up

Transitioning the Sons of Iraq from a local security force to a public works program is one of the goals for 2008. The process has begun in Hawr Rajab at the “Village of Hope.”


Peshmerga to be incorporated into security system – MP


A splinter Mahdi Army group rejects handing weapons to government forces


US troops killed six “criminals” after being ambushed in Sadr City. Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained 14 suspects during a series of raids. Iraqi security forces arrested 29 insurgents in Baghdad. Four civilians were killed and six wounded in an IED attack at a market in eastern Baghdad. Five car bomb […]