Monthly Archives: April 2008

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, said the US military is hiding its defeat in Iraq. “Where the American invasion stands now, after five years, is failure and defeat,” Zawahiri said in an audiotaped response to General David Petraeus’ remarks to Congress. Zawahiri also said world food shortages “is a part of the […]


Iran denies charges it’s supporting Iraqi insurgency

Sadrists vow to keep the Mahdi Army

A Sadrist member of parliament said the Mahdi Army would keep its weapons unless the members were ordered to disband by senior Shia leaders. Sistani has said only Sadr can order the Mahdi Army to disarm.


Sunni bloc agrees in principle to return to Iraqi government nine months after quitting


Sadrist leaders refuse to lay down weapons

Bara bin Malek Front commander killed in Pakistani shootout

Commander Ismail led a dangerous Taliban splinter group in Kunar province. He was behind the 2005 shootdown of a US Army Chinook that resulted in the deaths of 16 US Special Operations SEALs and airmen. The Long War Journal has an exclusive photo of Ismail.


Soldiers Who Failed to Fight in Basra to be Reprimanded – Official


Egypt jails Muslim Brotherhood’s top leadership – Middle East Times


Afghan and Coalition forces killed nine Taliban during fighting in Ghazni province, and captured 12 Taliban fighters during raids in Khost and Nimroz provinces. Two US Marines were killed in a bombing in Kandahar province. Coalition forces captured a Taliban commander during a raid in Zabul province. NATO accidentally dropped weapons and ammunition at the […]


Desertion or a Break? An Iraqi Gives His Side


Ethiopia denied any involvement in the killing of three foreigners in Beledweyne. A Somali woman was killed in a bombing in Baidoa. France will prosecute the six captured Somali pirates responsible for the hijacking of a French yacht.


One Turkish soldier was killed and seven wounded in a series of clashes with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Turkish warplanes also struck a group of PKK fighters as they attempted to cross the border from Iraq. Turkey will purchase 84 helicopters and an air defense system from the US.


Muslim terrorists shot and decapitated a manager of a shrimp farm in Pattani province; two police were wounded in an IED attack as they went to the scene murder. One soldier was killed in Yala province and two local defense volunteers were killed in Pattani. A policeman was killed in a bombing as captured “key” […]


Suicide bomber kills 49 at Iraq funeral


Twenty were killed during clashes between the Lashkar-e-Islam and a tribe in Khyber agency. The Taliban kidnapped nine security personnel in Khyber. A tribal jirga in South Waziristan secured the release of Taliban commanders. Four Taliban and al Qaeda operatives were arrested.


Iran: Ahmadinejad says 9/11 a ‘suspect event’


Iraqi National Police show determined loyalty


A Coalition UAV team killed four Mahdi Army fighters in Basrah while Iraqi police detained 12. The governor of Najaf and a representative of Sistani survived assassination attempts. Coalition forces killed a senior al Qaeda leader and captured five suspects in Mosul, and detained 13 al Qaeda operatives in the Tigris River Valley and northwest […]


Pakistani police killed Mullah Ismail, the Afghan Taliban leader behind the 2005 shootdown of a US Chinook helicopter that killed all 16 troops on board. Ismail was traveling from Afghanistan’s Kunar province into Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and was shot after he failed to stop at a checkpoint. He was believed to be the most […]


Abdul Rohim and Agus Purwanto, two Jemaah Islamiyah operatives arrested in Malaysia in January and recently extradited to Indonesia, “were planning to go to Syria to build a relationship with foreign radical groups” according to Indonesian police. Police also believe their arrest may provide clues that can lead to the arrest of Noordin Mohammad Top.


Iraqi Unit Flees Post, Despite American™s Plea


An explosion that killed three soldiers in the eastern province of Marib was caused by a landmine or by a remote control device. Two earlier attacks on military checkpoints in Hadramout which killed one soldier were claimed by al Qaeda in an Internet posting. A soldier was killed in Marib on Saturday when gunmen opened […]


Iraq removes commanders after Basra crackdown