Monthly Archives: April 2008


Iraq bombings target US-allied, anti-Al Qaeda groups


Hamas suicide bombers attack Israel-Gaza crossing; 13 hurt


Iraqi troops say control Basrah stronghold

German held by US in Afghanistan


Building occupied by Sadr office in Basrah evacuated

Al Qaeda planning Baghdad attacks, says US


Sadr City Fighters Lay Defenses Amid Latest Official Efforts at Calm

Renewed Clashes With Shi’ite Militias In Iraq

China to loan US$500 million to shore up Pakistan

Pakistan,Turkey vow to continue fighting terrorism


Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan, who went missing in February in the Khyber region, appeared on Arabic television saying he was being held by the Taliban and urged Islamabad to meet their demands. Islamist commander Maulana Faqir Mohammad offered shelter to Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar if they ask for it. American drones reportedly resumed […]


Afghan security forces detained over 60 Pakistanis traveling the southern town of Spin Boldak and handed them over to “the relevant department for interrogation.” A vehicle transporting DynCorp police trainers struck a roadside bomb in Spin Boldak but no one was wounded in the attack. A roadside bomb destroyed a vehicle in the restive province […]


Religious justification eludes leaders of al-Qaeda in the Maghreb


Iran: Justice tainted by western laws, says ayatollah


A Member of Parliament for the ruling party and a prominent sheikh, Saleh al Hindi was shot dead Friday by gunmen in the northwestern region of Sa’ada, where a four-year war threatens to renew. Qatari mediators withdrew from Sa’ada on Thursday. Before joining the ruling party in 2004, Hendi was a leader of the opposition […]


Iraq: US Troops Target Errant Iraqi Police


Three Ethiopian soldiers were killed in a rocket attack in Mogadishu. One Somali soldier was killed after a CARE food convoy was hijacked by a “heavily armed militia.” Somalia™s interim president said the government is fighting the “children named al Shabaab,” which is backed by al Qaeda.


Basrah’s `dark ages’ lifting as hard-line grip weakens


Iraqi troops captured 35 “wanted men” during sweeps in Basrah. Iraqi troops have surrounded a Sadrist office in Basrah. Border troops prevented 164 German and Italian-made mines from being smuggled into the country from Iran. US troops captured a Special Groups cell leader in Baghdad’s Rashid district. Coalition forces detained 12 al Qaeda operatives during […]


Twenty-four Afghanis were killed and 30 wounded in a suicide bombing in Nimroz province on April 17. The son of the Netherlands’ senior military officer was killed along with another soldier in an IED attack in Uruzgan province. Afghan forces detained a member of an IED cell in Khost province.


The US will limit attacks in Pakistan and provide $7 billion for counterterrorism operations as part of its new strategy with the new government. The Pakistani Taliban agreed to implement sharia law in Mohmand agency at the end of its two-day conference. Two police and two children were wounded in shootings in Swat. Nine Taliban […]


Yemeni MP shot dead in rebel region: witnesses


Iraqi troops, Sadrists in Basrah standoff