Monthly Archives: April 2008


Coalition forces detained 20 al Qaeda operatives during raids in Mosul and Bayji, including a leader of the terror group. A US air weapons team killed three armed “criminals” as they were carrying weapons at a known cache site. Members of the Sadrist bloc asked former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to mediate with US […]


Jemaah Islamiyah leaders Abu Dujana and Zarkasih were sentenced to 15 years in prison each after being found guilty of assisting terrorists and possessing, storing, and moving weapons destined for terror acts. Abu Dujana served as military commander while Zarkasih served as the group’s leader while Abu Bakar Bashir was in jail.


Citing security concerns following recent attacks in Yemen, the UN closed some of its offices, erected blast walls around its headquarters, and pulled out some nonessential staffers. On Monday suspected pirates fired on a Japanese oil tanker 270 miles off the coast of Aden and hundreds of gallons of fuel leaked; no one was injured.


Female suicide bomber kills three in Iraq city


Gates says Air Force not doing enough in Iraq war effort


Iraq will confront Sadr, not allow open war


Thirteen people were wounded in a bombing at a market in Yala province. Two policemen were killed and two wounded in an ambush in Narathiwat province. A member of a local security force and a Muslim terrorist were killed in separate incidents in the South.


New Iraq front folds in anti-al Qaeda members


US and Iraqi forces killed 27 Mahdi Army fighters in Baghdad and captured 40 in Nasariyah as Sadr threatens to withdraw the cease-fire. Coalition forces killed four al Qaeda operatives north of Baqubah and captured 22 suspects in northern Iraq. Iraqi soldiers freed college students just hours after they were kidnapped in Diyala. Al Qaeda […]


The Taliban demanded the release of 12 terrorists, including Sufi Mohammed, Abdul Aziz, and three men behind the assassiantion of Benazir Bhutto in exchange for the ambassador to Afghanistan. The Awami National Party is in talks with the TNSM. The United Kinddom supports talks with the Taliban in Paksitan. The Taliban publicly executed three men […]

Sadr threatens new uprising; Iraqi and US forces press attack

Sadr threatens to end his cease-fire as Iraqi security forces and US troops press the offensive. Iraqi soldiers and special police respond to an ambush in force and captured 40 members of the Special Groups at a Sadrist office. Twenty-seven Mahdi Army fighters were killed in Baghdad over last 24 hours.


Iran groups offering extra aid to Iraq rebels: US


Al-Sadr’s Followers Refuse to Disband Militia as Tension With Iraqi Government Rises

Al Qaeda

New al Qaeda in Iraq tape calls for monthlong offensive


Iraqi Army Takes Last Basrah Areas From Sadr Force


A day of violence in Mogadishu leaves 81 dead: activist

Detained Helmand province insurgent identified


Weekend violence in Mogadishu left 28 people dead, including civilians, Somali troops, and insurgents. In the latest clash, Islamist insurgents ambushed a security vehicle in the capital’s Madina neighborhood overnight, killing two soldiers and a shop owner who was caught in the crossfire. Sudan Ali Ahmed, chairman of Elman Human Rights, claims 81 were killed […]


An Afghan child was killed and two others injured during an insurgent rocket attack near an army base in eastern Kunar province. Afghan soldiers killed four Taliban in Kandahar after thwarting an ambush against their convoy in the Panjwai district. Iranian and Afghan border forces clashed in southwestern Nimroz province after the Iranian patrol entered […]


Dissident Chechen military commander Sulim Yamadayev described a situation in Chechnya at odds with Kremlin claims that it has re-established control there, saying fighters granted amnesty could return to the mountains and restart the war against Russia “at any moment.” Yamadayev’s comments followed a clash this week between his fighters, who formally report to the […]

Al Qaeda in Yemen: mercenaries or terrorists?

Yemen is a hotbed for al Qaeda activities in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. The current government fosters and deploys Islamic extremists as mercenaries and as a tool of foreign policy, according to Yemeni observers.


Anti-US cleric al-Sadr threatens new uprising in Iraq


Iraqi Army provides first aid supplies to Sadr City residents