Monthly Archives: April 2008


The US military could not confirm a report that Izzat Ibrahim al Douri is in custody. US troops killed 15 Mahdi Army fighters during clashes in Baghdad. Iraqi security forces captured three Mahdi Army fighters and seized weapons during sweeps in Basrah. Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained five during raids north […]


The Pakistani government is close to finalizing a deal with Baituallah Mahsud. Baitullah ordered the Taliban to halt attacks in Waziristan, Tank, Gomal, and Dera Ismail Khan. One soldier and 10 “miscreants” were killed after Pakistani and Afghan troops exchanged fire at a border crossing in Bajaur agency.


People of Basra optimistic as Iraqi Army take control in the city


A suicide bomber killed three civilians in Spin Boldak; 10 others were killed in Taliban attacks in Kandahar, Helmand, and Kunar province. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Pentagon officials are discussing possible changes to the NATO and coalition command structure in Afghanistan.


US military says not holding Saddam’s deputy


Iraq: Up to 100 al-Qaeda leaders in Iran, says government


The Danish Foreign Ministry has evacuated its staff from its embassies in Algeria and Afghanistan due to threats relating to newspapers’ republishing of a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammad. Danish intelligence officials warned of an “aggravated” terror threat in North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.


Lebanon: Little support for al-Qaeda attacks, says US

US Military

General David Petraeus, the commander of Coalition forces in Iraq, has been nominated as CENTCOM commander. Lieutenant General Ray Odierno, Petraeus’ former deputy, has been nominated to replace Petraeus as commander of Multinational Forces Iraq. Petraeus and Odierno executed the “surge” strategy in Iraq in 2007 and 2008.


Pakistan™s New Government Launches Peace Initiative with Islamist Militants in Swat


Police killed nine Taliban fighters after they attacked a police checkpoint in Kandahar province. The Taliban burned down two schools and kidnapped two teachers in Logar. An Indian worker was kidnapped by the Taliban near Herat. The British Air Force destroyed a unmanned Reaper aircraft after it crashed in “Taliban territory” in southern Afghanistan.


US troops killed five Mahdi Army fighters in Sadr City and another seven fighters in New Baghdad. Iraqi police detained seven members of the Mahdi Army in Karbala. Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained 23 during raids in Sharqat and Kirkuk.


The TNSM agreed to renounce violence in exchange for the release of Sufi Mohammed. Prime Minister Gilani said the government would not be blackmailed or release jailed terrorist as preconditions to talks. The Taliban warned it would resume fighting if the government does not stop the military operations in the tribal areas. A court ordered […]


Sadr City residents caught in the middle of Iraq showdown


More than 100 Somalis are reported to have been killed during fighting over the past several days. Puntland forces boarded a hijacked ship from the United Arab Emirates and captured seven pirates. The Puntland government said it would execute the pirates. US and France have drafted a resolution in the UN to combat piracy off […]