Monthly Archives: April 2008


Iran is boosting its support of terror groups in Iraq and Afghanistan. A civilian US ship fired warning shots at two unidentified speedboats in the Persian Gulf. Iran says it will cooperate with the IAEA to investigate its nuclear weapons program.


Afghan and Coalition forces captured five Taliban during raids in Paktia province and an IED facilitator in Khost province. The Indian worker who was kidnapped in Herat province has been freed. The Taliban have disrupted efforts to repair the Kajaki Dam.


IAEA criticizes US for holding back intel on Syria bombing

‘Jihadist’ booted from government lexicon


Syria’s secret: did North Korea help to build a nuclear plant?


The men in black vanish and Basrah comes to life


Three people were killed and more than 35 wounded in a car bombing in Mardan. The Taliban killed a “US spy” in North Waziristan. The Pakistani government and military have praised Baituallah Mehsud’s cease-fire order. The Afghan government said the peace agreement between Pakistan and the Taliban would fail.


US troops killed seven Special Groups operatives and detained five during operations in Rashidiyah and Baghdad. Iraqi troops killed nine Special Groups operatives in Hussaniyah. Iraqi security forces captured a Mahdi Army leader and two others and seized an IED factory in Karbala. Coalition forces killed 10 al Qaeda operatives and detained 22 during raids […]


Reconstruction of Samarra shrine unites factions in Iraq


Iraq’s Maliki says factions agree to rejoin government

Al Qaeda

AlQaeda Sahara Network Spurs US to Train Chad, Mali Forces


Shabaab said it will not hold talks with the Somali government after accusing Ethiopian troops of conducting a massacre. Ethiopian troops left towns north of Mogadishu after heavy fighting with the Islamic Courts. Amnesty International accused Ethiopian troops of kidnapping 40 children. Britain seeks a stronger UN presence in Somalia.


US says Syrian reactor was proliferation threat


UK troop levels in Iraq to remain at 4,000


US commander predicts more violence in Afghanistan


Sadr shift: away from politics and favoring fight

Yemen spirals toward disintegration

Yemen is plagued by war in the North, civil unrest in the South, and terrorist attacks in the capital. The opposition is threatening to boycott elections as civil liberties decline and the government supports extremists.


Muslim insurgents killed five construction workers as they were building a fence at a school in Pattani province. Two police were wounded in a bomb attack as they patrolled a rail line in Narathiwat province.


Iran nuclear ambitions are major Gulf threat: NATO


US Cautiously Supports Peace Talks Between Pakistani Government, Taliban


Groups With Iran™s Backing Blamed for Baghdad Attacks


Turkish army says it strikes PKK group in Northern Iraq