Monthly Archives: April 2008

Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government has released 32 terrorists transferred by the US from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. They were freed on bail after being questioned and undergoing rehabilitation sessions with clerics and other experts aimed at reintegrating them into Saudi society, according to Al Hayat. Twenty-four Saudi terrorists are still undergoing rehabilitation in the kingdom.


Iraq: Future Of Awakening Councils In Limbo


Pakistan: New Government Announces Major Reforms In Tribal Areas


How kidnapped Iraq security chief lived to tell the tale

B-1 bomber catches fire in Qatar; crew safe

A look at Operation Knights’ Assault

An inexperienced Iraqi Army unit falters during the Basrah offensive as Maliki rushes the Basrah offensive. The Iraqi military began to recover and move reinforcements to Basrah when Sadr called a cease-fire.


More Than 1,000 in Iraq™s Forces Quit Basra Fight


US Officials Question Maliki’s Basra Operation


Taliban leader Jalaluddin Haqqani pledged fealty to Mullah Omar and urged Afghanis to attack NATO forces. Afghan soldiers killed three Taliban in Kandahar while NATO forces captured four Taliban in Helmand. Canada committed to staying in Afghanistan after France pledged a battalion of troops.


Pakistan asked the US not to discuss attacks in the tribal areas. Major General Muhammad Asif has been appointed chief of Military Intelligence. The United Kingdom is preparing to readmit Pakistan to the Commonwealth.


US troops make progress in Iraq’s Diyala province


US Cites Gaps in Planning of Iraqi Assault on Basra


Iraq’s Sadr calls million-strong march against US


US Cites Planning Gaps in Iraqi Assault on Basra


Iraq: Al-Qaeda Killing Field Found Near Farming Village


China exposed Iran’s efforts to acquire nuclear technology after the International Atomic Energy Agency found blueprints for shaping uranium into warheads, and information on the testing of high explosives in a uranium warhead and the procurement of dual-use technology. China provided the evidence after the agency presented the information to the IAEA’s governors in February.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, issued an audiotape via As Sahab, al Qaeda’s propaganda arm. Zawahiri said Osama bin Laden is “healthy and well” and “the United Nations is an enemy of Islam and Muslims” for sanctioning the state of Israel.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia remains the world’s leading source for funds to al Qaeda and other terror groups, according to Stuart A. Levey, the Treasury’s lead counterterrorism official. “Saudi Arabia today remains the location where more money is going to terrorism, to Sunni terror groups and to the Taliban than any other place in the world.”


Turkish security forces detained 45 suspected members of an al Qaeda cell in Istanbul. The raids were a follow-up to arrests made in January. Police say the cell was prepared to carry out attacks.


The Prime Minister said terrorism will end through the political process and economic aid. The NWFP Chief Minister said using force is the last option to deal with the Taliban, and he will push for peace committees instead. The Taliban plans to disrupt NATO’s supply line through Khyber. The Taliban killed two and wounded 11 […]