Monthly Archives: April 2008

Report: Pirates holding yacht and crew belong to Somali Marines


Mauritanian police stormed an al Qaeda safe house in the capital Nouakchott searching for Sidi Ould Sidina, an Algerian terrorist who escaped from a court hearing last Wednesday. Two police officers were killed during the assault. Sidina managed to escape for a second time, but police discovered and confiscated his fully operational explosives lab.

Non-essential US staff evacuated from Yemen


A clash in Helmand province left one police officer and four Taliban dead. A Coalition airstrike in Zabul killed three Taliban while they traveled on motorcycles. A woman and a child from a nomadic tribe who had pitched their tents nearby were injured in the strike. Iranian security forces shot and killed 13 Afghan refugees […]


Hamas-Iraq: Al-Qaeda in Iraq is Subservient to Iran; ‘The US is Our Main Enemy, But a More Dangerous Enemy is Iran’


Pakistan: Committee set up to begin dialogue with militants in north-west


The provincial government of the Northwest Frontier Province has launched a new peace initiative with Mullah Fazlullah’s Taliban forces in Swat. The TNSM, a banned Taliban group, met with a police chief of Malakand agency to negotiate the withdrawal of charges against the group. Seven were killed in rioting in Karachi after an MQM parliamentarian […]


An Internet posting by al Qaeda in Yemen, which claimed responsibility for Sunday’s mortar attacks on a residential compound in Sana’a, said the group perpetrated the attacks Saturday on two security checkpoints in Hadramout, southern Yemen that left one soldier dead and several wounded. The statement said the group would not rest until all polytheists […]


The Libyan government released 90 members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group after they renounced violence. The prisoners were serving sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group officially joined al Qaeda in November 2007.

Al Qaeda

An unconfirmed report indicated Abu Ubaidah al Masri died of hepatitis. Ubaidah was a senior al Qaeda operative who served as the former operations chief in Kunar, Afghanistan. He most recently served as an al Qaeda operations chief for global strikes.

Clashes continue in Baghdad, Basrah

UAV%20destroys%20rocket%20rails_0003.jpgSadr cancels demonstration in Baghdad, claims Shia clerics instructed him not to disband the Mahdi Army. Iraqi and US forces continue to strike at the Mahdi Army and other Iranian-backed terror groups in Baghdad and Basrah.


Ethiopia is deploying 14,000 troops into Somalia after Shabaab fighters have taken over towns throughout the country. A Shabaab suicide bomber rammed a car into the gate of the complex housing peacekeepers from Burundi; one soldier was wounded. Six people were killed in an IED attack in Hiran.


The Taliban killed 17 road workers and wounded 16 in an attack in Zabul province. Five Taliban were captured during separate raids in Uruzgan and Khost provinces. Coalition forces identified two Taliban fighters captured during an operation in Helmand province in March. An ISAF soldier was killed and one wounded during an attack in Ghazni […]

Iraq by the numbers: April 2008

As part of General Petraeus’ and Ambassador Crocker’s testimonies to Congress, Multinational Forces Iraq released statistics on the improving security situation and the current level of violence in Iraq, al Qaeda in Iraq’s area of operations, and the development of the Iraqi security forces.


Sadr did not refer dissolving Mahdi Army to top Shiite clerics


Religious leaders tell al-Sadr to keep militia intact


Yemen: Al-Qaeda behind attack against Americans


Iran says installing 6,000 enrichment centrifuges


Ninewa MPs calls for dissolving Peshmerga fighters


Iran: Radical Shia cleric in holy city of Qom, says expert


The US State Department ordered the evacuation of all nonessential embassy personnel following a mortar attack on a residential complex housing western diplomats and oil workers. The US Embassy was targeted by mortars in mid-March. No injuries were sustained in either attack. In an Internet statement, al Qaeda in Yemen claimed Sunday’s mortar attack was […]


The Iraqi government said it would ban the Sadrist movement from participating in elections if it did not disband the Mahdi Army. Iraqi security forces killed 10 “criminals” during operations in Basra. Coalition forces detained four Special Groups operatives and killed one in Baghdad. The Nasiriyah SWAT captured a Special Groups leader. US helicopters killed […]