Monthly Archives: April 2008


Mauritanian authorities are hunting for three dangerous terrorist suspects linked to captured terrorist leader Maarouf Ould Haiba. Two other suspects including Algerian terrorist Sidi Ould Sidna, are also being hunted down after a brazen courtroom escape last Monday. On Saturday, a third escapee, Abou Mouadh, died from wounds sustained during a shootout following the breakout.


Security services claim to have killed Ismail Yangizbiev, an “overlord of armed gangs,” during a special operation in the Khasavyurt district of Dagestan. Ismail was on a federal most wanted list for committing several acts of terrorism against police. The operation was conducted one week after the Russian Interior Ministry demanded Dagestani officials work pre-emptively […]


Iraqi neighbours rise up against al Qaeda

Al Qaeda

Russia: Daghestani Decree May Spell Curtains For Play Recalling Dubrovka Tragedy


Nine people were killed and 50 wounded after a suicide bomber detonated during a sermon in a mosque in Shiraz. The cleric was “delivering his weekly speech against extremist Wahabi beliefs and the outlawed Bahai faith,” according to the pro-government Fars News Agency.


Iraqi soldiers captured 14 “criminals” in during raids in Basrah. US soldiers captured a Special Groups weapons facilitator northeast of Baghdad. Iraqi security forces killed 15 insurgents and captured 15 in Baghdad; killed 11 insurgents near Baiji; captured 15 terrorists in Karbala; and captured a senior al Qaeda leader near the Jordanian border. Coalition forces […]


IA, CF Continue COP Builds in Mosul, Securing One Neighborhood at a Time


The bodies of two Frontier Corps paramilitaries and one soldier missing during the fighting last year in South Waziristan were recovered. Eight more Pakistanis were killed in sectarian fighting in Kurram agency; 35 have been killed during the past eight days.

Al Qaeda

The Taliban confirmed that a German member of al Qaeda conducted a suicide bombing against a US outpost in the Sabari District of Khost province in March. Cuneyt Ciftci, also known as Saad Abu Furqan, recorded his last statements, and Taliban leader Siraj Haqqani and his deputy Mohammad Rahim Khosti appeared on a propaganda tape […]


Bomb Explosion at Iranian Mosque Kills at Least 9


Sadr Lashes Out at ‘Terrorist’ Gates


Afghan and NATO forces killed 24 Taliban fighters and captured eight during operations in Zabul province. A suicide bomber killed three Indian road workers and an Afghan in Nimroz province. Two aid workers have gone missing in Parawan province.


British accused of appeasing Shia militia in Basrah


Hashemi Rafsanjani denied Iran supports militias inside Iraq. Stellite imagery indicates Iran has built a secret launch site for long-range missiles. US warships launched a flare at Iranian speedboats after they approached in a “taunting manner.”


Coalition forces unmanned aerial vehicles killed six “criminals” in the Hyanniyah district of Basrah and six more in northeastern Baghdad. Hillah and Najaf are under curfew after Muqtada al Sadr’s brother-in-law, who served as a senior aide, was killed in Najaf. Iraqi troops killed four insurgents and wounded five during a clash in Mosul. Eleven […]


Tribal clashes in Kurram agency resulted in 14 killed and 30 wounded. Al Qaeda moved five suicide bombers into Lahore, the Interior Ministry said. The government of the Northwest Frontier Province has launched its peace initiative in Swat. The Taliban said the peace plan is at risk after the government seized a Taliban complex in […]


Spy photos reveal ‘secret launch site’ for Iran’s long-range missiles


Iraqi leaders turn wary of Iran, Petraeus says


France may deploy 3,000 troops to Afghanistan, more than two times the number currently in country. The the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit has completed its move to Afghanistan and is serving as the theater rapid reaction force. India will train the Afghan National Army in counterinsurgency operations.