Monthly Archives: April 2008


Shabaab fighters captured the town of Beletwein, the capital of Hiran province, as the provincial governor fled with troops. Shabaab then attacked a school and killed two British passport holders and two Kenyans. Ethiopian and Islamic Courts fighters fought pitched battled in Hiran on Sunday.


The Taliban killed 11 policemen after overrunning a station in Kandahar’s Arghandab district. Two British soldiers were killed in an IED attack near Kandahar Airfield. Afghan and NATO troops detained a leader in the Haqqani network in Khost province. Six Taliban fighters captured on March 12 have been identified as members of the Haqqani network. […]


British journalist freed in Basrah, Iraq


Operation Charge of Knights continues progress in Basrah


Shiite neighbourhoods ‘most troubled in Baghdad’


Iraq and US to pressure Iran with diplomacy, force


One Special Groups leader and eight cell members were captured in southern Baghdad. A US helicopter crew killed one “criminal” and wounded another in Jabella. Police seized a truck loaded with weapons north of Al Kut. Iraqi security forces killed three insurgents and captured 14 in Baghdad, and captured an al Qaeda leader in Basrah.


Iran Ordered Muqtada al-Sadr to Return to Al-Najaf – Iraqi Sources


Iraqi Cabinet approves measure barring parties with militias from elections


Iran denied the explosion at a mosque in Shiraz that killed 11 and wounded 191 was a bombing. The deputy interior minister said the explosion was “the result of an incident.” Coalition forces captured an Iranian-trained agent collecting intelligence on US airbases and troop movements near Balad. The slow pace of the investigation into the […]

4 Terrorists killed in Tizi Ouzou central Algeria


A Tunisian court has jailed 19 men for up to eight years for having links to al Qaeda’s North Africa wing. Local lawyers say about 1,000 people have been arrested since 2003 on terrorism charges including recruiting fighters for the Iraqi insurgency against US-led forces.

No al-Qaeda Saudis in Kuwait: minister

200 Pakistanis in Afghan jails: official estimate

Afghanistan: Warlordism ‘Is Winning’ Versus Democracy


Taliban insurgents ambushed a police patrol in Helmand killing four policemen and injuring seven others. A roadside blast hit a vehicle transporting a tribal elder in Khost province killing the elder’s son and two others. Afghan authorities arrested two locals and a third man from Kandahar for their alleged involvement in the suicide bombing that […]