Monthly Archives: February 2008


Philippine security officials uncovered a plot by Jemaah Islamiyah to assassinate President Gloria Arroyo and three other unnamed officials. Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah are also believed to be plotting attacks against high-value targets in Manilla. The plot caused the military to go on full alert.


An unconfirmed Iranian report indicated Hajj Hussein Halil, the deputy director of Hezbollah’s political affairs, was killed in the Damascus car bombing that claimed the life of Imad Muginyah. Clashes are expected in Beirut as Hezbollah will hold a funeral for Mugniyah on the same day of the anniversary of the assassination of Rafik Hariri.


UN inspectors said Iran has produced small quantities of uranium gas used to make nuclear warheads. Russia criticized Iran for flaunting its intentions to enrich uranium and develop ballistic missiles. Iran accused Israel of assassinating Hezbollah leader Imad Mugniyah and described him as “a golden page in the history of mankind’s fight against the aggressive […]


Iran summons Danish envoy over cartoon


Iran reinstates Khomeini™s grandson for poll


Bracing for Israeli assault, Hamas forces take cover


Imad Mughniyeh: Hezbollah’s Phantom Killed


Sadrists say CBS Journalists to be Freed

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda Fighters Flee Cities, Head for Desert or Out of Iraq


The Taliban killed one Italian soldier and wounded another during an attack in the Sarobi district of Kabul province. Three Afghan soldiers were killed and three were wounded in an IED attack near Musa Qala in Helmand province. Coalition forces killed one Taliban and captured three in a raid in Uruzgan province. Australia is unable […]


Insurgents will not get power through violence: Somalia minister


Mughniyeh Assassination: Another Setback for Iran’s Intelligence Agency


The Taliban denied kidnapping Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan one day after offering a trade for former Taliban commander Mansoor Dadullah. Four Pakistanis were killed and seven wounded in a car bomb attack targeting an MMA leader. The Taliban attacked a fort in Bajaur agency. Politicians are working to get former Lal Masjid chief cleric Maulana […]


The Iraqi Parliament passed key legislation that set a date for provincial elections, allot 2008 spending, and provide limited amnesty to detainees. US soldiers detained 25 Special Groups operatives during operations in Baghdad. Iraqi Special Operations Forces captured a Special Groups EFP cell leader in Baghdad. Coalition forces killed four al Qaeda fighters and detained […]

Inside Iraqi politics – Part 3. Examining the legislative branch

“Inside Iraqi Politics” is a special series dedicated to examining political progress in Iraq, with a focus on issues that affect the country’s stability and reconciliation efforts. This third installment overviews various influences on legislative progress, including the structure and political composition of the parliament.


Hezbollah leader killed in Syria, group blames Israel