Monthly Archives: February 2008

Palestinian Territories

A blast at the home of Islamic Jihad senior leader Ayman Atallah Fayed in the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza killed him and five others, and wounded 40. Fourteen terrorists stormed a YMCA in Gaza and blew up the library. An Israeli was wounded in a molotov cocktail bombing in the West Bank.


Four terrorists killed in special police operation in Chechnya


3 civilians killed in Somalia as artillery shells hit neighborhoods


Syria ‘directly responsible™ for situation in Lebanon: US


Bomb explosion kills three, injures five East of Algerian capital


Iraq provincial elections on 1st October 2008


Iraq masses security forces for Shiite festival


Coalition forces killed three al Qaeda operatives and detained 10 during raids in northern and central Iraq. US troops detained an al Qaeda high-value target in Baghdad. Iraqi security forces captured three al Qaeda operatives in Fallujah. Police captured 11 insurgents near Kirkuk. Iraqi Special Operations Forces captured a Special Groups leader in Hillah. Two […]


The Situation in Iraq: A Briefing from the Battlefield


The Taliban killed four Afghan police in an ambush in Nimroz province. A former Taliban commander was detained for possession of 18 boxes of ammunition in Maidan Wardak province. Germany may increase the number of troops after the October 2008 mandate expires. The brutal winter has claimed 926 Afghanis’ lives so far.

In Pictures: The Sons of Iraq

SoI-slideshow-image-thumb.jpgGordon Alanko, who is currently embedded with US forces in southern Arab Jabour in Baghdad province, Iraq, provides a pictorial of a Sons of Iraq recruiting drive.


Pakistan police arrest another suspect in Bhutto case


Israel fears worldwide attacks as ‘open war’ declared


Surge general accuses Tehran of backing militias to weaken Iraq

Special Groups behind Sadr City bombing

Multinational Forces Iraq steps up raids on the Iranian-backed, Mahdi Army-linked Special Groups. Eight raids have been reported in the past three days while the Sadr City bombing was also linked to a Special Groups weapons cell.


An IED attack against a convoy in Bajaur killed a major and two soldiers and wounded two. Ten paramilitary troops were arrested for negligence in the disappearance of Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan. A Taliban group called al Hizb has formed in the Darra Adam Khel region and vowed to attack rival Taliban and security forces. […]


Will French military ambitions affect Canada’s objectives in Afghanistan?


Coalition forces killed seven al Qaeda operatives and detained 16 during raids in central and northern Iraq. A bombing in Sadr City killed two and wounded 25. Eleven insurgents were captured and one Awakening fighter was killed during a clash in Hawijah. Ansar al Islam is regrouping in the Kurdish regions with the help of […]


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed to retaliate against Israeli targets abroad to avenge the assassination Imad Mugniyah. Iran’s president said “there are hundreds of thousands, even millions more” Mugniyahs. A Kuwaiti newspaper claimed Mugniyah was planning major terrorist attacks in moderate Arab countries prior to his death.


US-Iraqi talks on long-term agreement on Feb 27


Police arrested three Algerian men in the northern Basque city of Vitoria for distributing jihadi CDs and MP3 files downloaded from the Internet to the Muslim community in the region. It is not known if the three Algerians are linked to the 14 suspects detained in January. Ten of the 14 suspects are still in […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda in Iraq’s puppet Islamic State in Iraq threatened to use Iraq as a staging area to attack Israel. In a 30-minute tape released on the Internet, the fictitious leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, Abu Omar al Baghdadi, also criticized Hamas for failing to free Jerusalem and called on the al Qassam […]