Monthly Archives: February 2008


A bomb attack on an Algerian military convoy killed one soldier on Saturday while the head of the main secular opposition party escaped unhurt from a separate attack nearby. Four other soldiers were injured in the bombing. A national census has found that there are over 200,000 various guns held by civilians, including government sanctioned […]


A senior government official was assassinated after he left a mosque in the in Yaqshid district on Saturday night. Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf escaped unhurt from a mortar attack by Islamist insurgents on his official residence in Mogadishu. Yemen’s ambassador to Somalia Ahmed Omar denied reports that he was nearly assassinated in the Somali capital […]

Somalia: Senior government official killed in Mogadishu

Three members of Haqqani network captured


A suicide bomber killed 80 Afghanis and wounded 70 in an attack on a large gathering of people attending an outdoor dog fighting competition in Kandahar. Abdul Hakim Jan, the leader of a local anti-Taliban auxiliary police force in the strategic Arghandab district, was killed in the bombing. The attack is the largest in the […]


A suicide bombing outside a Pakistan People’s Party political office in Kurram agency killed 37 and wounded over 100. A suicide bomber killed two and wounded 14 in an attack on an Army media center in Swat. Eight polling booths were bombed in Bajaur. Seventy-five Taliban surrendered in Swat. Police arrested a suicide bomber in […]


Israel kills terror chief with headrest bomb


Iraq: US Sunni Allies Protest Killings


Attacks in Baghdad fall 80 percent: Iraq military


UN council delays debate on Somalia peacekeeping


Muslim insurgents murdered a local politician in a mosque and a defense volunteer outside a tea shop in Pattani province. An insurgent was wounded and captured after resisting arrest in Narathiwat province. Five Muslim insurgents were given life sentences for burning a monk and two boys in a temple in Pattani.


Iraqi security forces detained seven al Qaeda in Iraq operatives, while Iraqi Army and police units detained 21 al Qaeda fighters in Mosul. Iraqi police fought off a platoon of Special Groups fighters in the Sha’ab neighborhood in Baghdad; US troops later caught the group’s leader.


Muslim Youth Violence in Danish Cities Continues for 6th Night; 43 Arrested


Iraq’s Prime Minister Praises Baghdad Security for Reducing Violence


Fearing Unknown Assassins, Mahdi Army on Alert

Sons of Iraq

Gordon Alanko is embedded with US forces in Sayifiyah in southern Arab Jabour, Iraq. He reports on the establishment of the of the local security forces in the region.


Police in Sindh province arrested “ex-members of different banned militant outfits who had now formed a new group” and were planning attacks against political leaders in the city of Karachi. Police arrested six Taliban fighters in Swat. German police arrested a Pakistani man for traveling to the tribal areas to provide funding for the Taliban […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi leaders threatened UK investigators to make it easier for terrorists to attack London unless corruption investigations of its arms deals with BAE are halted. Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council and former ambassador to the US, threatened to cut of intelligence to the UK and told investigators their country faced […]


‘Syria arrests suspects in Mughniyeh assassination’

Al Qaeda

Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive