Monthly Archives: February 2008


Afghan leaders accuse British of secret plan for training Taliban


US Accidentally Kills 9 Iraqi Civilians


Iraqi and US forces killed 10 terrorists and captured four, including a leader in the Islamic State of Iraq, during raids in the North. Iraqi security forces detained 12 insurgents during operations in Kirkuk province. Iraqi Special Operations Forces detained two Special Groups operatives in Baghdad. A curfew has been imposed in Baqubah.


Police arrested a teenage suicide bomber and two others in Dera Ismail Khan. Security forces destroyed Taliban hideouts in Darra Adamkhel. In a soon-to-be published posthumous autobiography, Benazir Bhutto accused Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza of trying to kill her.

Swat fighting as deadly as Iraqi insurgency

Two months after announcing offensive to clear Swat of the Taliban, operations are ongoing. The Taliban still holds territory; 195 security personnel killed in the last year in Swat alone, comparable to the number of US and Iraqi forces killed in the insurgency when adjusted for population.


New Law Allows Baathists to Reclaim Jobs


A Russian tugboat and its crew were seized off the coast of Somalia. The NATO fleet operating nearby has been informed of the attack. A roadside bomb killed eight civilians and wounded nine others when it exploded near a minibus full of passengers in Mogadishu. Medecins Sans Frontieres suspended its operations in Somalia after a […]


Corrupt Afghan cops, judges, and jailers are sabotaging the war effort in Afghanistan. Canadian Major General Marc Lessard will lead 12,000 NATO soldiers that are part of the Regional Command South, which covers six Afghan provinces. The Norwegian government is unable to meet the US request for increasing its military participation in Afghanistan.


Rift In NATO Over Afghanistan Forces, Germany, France, Turkey And Italy Refuse To Send Troops To Southern Area, Despite US Pleas


Iran: 400 rebuilding projects finished since 2006 war in Lebanon


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the attack on the Israeli embassy in the capitol of Nouakchott earlier this week. The terror group claimed the attack was in response to Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip and demanded Mauritania sever all ties with Israel.


Iraq: CLC recruiting drive targets detainees


Mullah Omar ordered the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan to stop “slaughtering” spies. Two policemen, two Taliban fighters, and two civilians were killed in a clash in Mardan. Baitullah Mehsud offered to stop terror attacks in exchange for the release of his men; the government denied negotiating with Baitullah. The military captured five Taliban fighters […]


Mullah Mohammad Salaam, the governor of Musa Qala, criticized Mullah Omar and the Taliban for perverting the Koran. Afghan and ISAF forces killed “several” members of a Taliban weapons facilitation network in Uruzgan province. Belgium will deploy four F-16 fighters and 140 additional soldiers.The governor of Kandahar denied allegations he tortured prisoners.


Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained 19 during raids in central and northern Iraq. Twelve al Qaeda operatives were detained in separate raids against al Qaeda cells in Mosul. Coalition forces also captured a Special Groups finance facilitator and detained two associates during a raid in the Baghdad area. Police captured a […]

Al Qaeda

Canadian Court Releases Al Qaeda Suspect, Orders House Arrest


Lynch: US `surge’ Tipped Scales in Iraq

United Kingdom

Bishop of Rochester under police protection after receiving ‘death threats’ for saying Britain has no-go areas for non-Muslims

Al Qaeda

Women’s Forums on Islamist Websites – Tools For Preparing Women to Carry Out Jihad and Suicide Operations

Al Qaeda

Top US Military Officer: Killing of Al-Qaeda Commander Important in War on Terror

Al Qaeda

Shooters Are Sought in Israeli Embassy Attack in Mauritania


Five Pakistan-based Lashkar, Hizbul insurgents killed in Indian-administered


Afghanistan: Ex-Taliban Commander Lectures Mullah Omar About Koran