Monthly Archives: February 2008


Nasrallah and Aoun say partnership is still strong


Khomeini grandson disqualified from poll


Diplomats: Iran tests advanced centrifuges


Iraqi and US troops detained 46 insurgents southwest of Kirkuk and arrested three al Qaeda fighters in Baghdad. Police captured seven al Qaeda operatives and 15 memebrs of the Yamani group in Karbala. An IED attack in Diwaniyah resulted in four killed and nine wounded; an Iraqi colonel blamed the Mahdi Army. Reconstruction on the […]


US military has new name for neighborhood militia groups


Afghanistan: Prosecutor Suggests ‘Some People’ Cannot Be Tried


Shabaab claimed credit for a series of bombings in Puntland that killed 20 and wounded more than 70 Somalis. “This location [in Bossaso] was a place where Ethiopian and Puntland soldiers go for entertainment, with sinful acts and harmful culture,” according to a Shabaab statement published on the Internet. Shabaab fighters overran a police station […]


A senior general, two brigadiers, and five others were killed in a helicopter crash in South Waziristan. The military freed “tribesman” in South Waziristan as the unofficial cease-fire proceeds. The military denied it is negotiating with the Taliban in South Waziristan. The Taliban declared a ceasefire in South Waziristan and Swat. The Interior Minister said […]

Al Qaeda

Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s comander in Afghanistan, vowed to avenge the death of Abu Laith al Libi, the al Qaeda field commander killed in an airstrike in North Waziristan, Pakistan. “The men he trained … will not rest until they avenge him and realise his aspirations and hopes, God willing,” he said. Yazid released […]

Tracking Baitullah Mehsud’s Rise to Power

Coalition, Mahdi Army clash over cease-fire

The war of words between Multinational Forces Iraq and the Mahdi Army increases as the deadline for Muqtada al Sadr’s cease-fire is set to expire. Sadr and the Mahdi Army will also pay a steep price for ending the cease-fire.


Iraq would seek extended U.N. mandate if necessary


In an interview, Abu al Fida’a (Rashad Mohammed Saeed Ismael) denied al Qaeda involvement in two attacks on tourists, saying attacks within Yemen are prohibited by central leadership. Al Fida’a blamed Yemeni security forces or an imposter. Al Fida’a was a high-ranking member of the Taliban and close associate of Osama bin Laden. Al Fida’a […]


Plans to mount a new fence along the Israeli-Egyptian border may take five years to implement and will cost at least $1.37 billion to construct. The Israeli government remains divided over Egyptian plans to send more troops to the Gaza-Egyptian border. Less than a week after Egypt lost two-thirds of its international networking cables, two […]


The death toll from political violence in Algeria fell to 25 in January, from 60 in December. A new report indicates the narcotics trade is directly tied to the spike in Algerian terror attacks.

Inside Iraqi politics – Part 1. Examining the executive branch

“Inside Iraqi Politics” is a special series dedicated to examining political progress in Iraq, with a focus on issues that affect the country’s stability and reconciliation efforts. This first installment overviews broad political goals and various influences on progress by the executive branch.


US forces say they have arrested a Taliban commander named Shah Noor, also known as Agha Khan, in southern Zabul province last month. One Coalition soldier was killed in Helmand province and seven Taliban were killed in an airstrike after they laid a landmine in the Panjwai district. Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan are launching […]


Coalition forces detained eight al Qaeda operatives during raids in northern Iraq. The Hillah SWAT unit killed seven al Qaeda fighters and arrested 28 suspects during air assault operations near Salman Pak. There has been an average of one EFP attack every third day over the past 35 days.


Israel raised its alert status to its second-highest level after being hit with the first suicide bombing in a year. Six Israelis were wounded by Qassam rockets fired at the town of Sderot. Israeli Air Force and Army raids killed nine members of Hamas in Gaza in retaliation for the Dimona suicide bombing.