Monthly Archives: February 2008


Nicolas Sarkozy offers French troops to join Canadians in fighting the Taleban in Kandahar


US allies go on strike in Iraq’s Diyala province


Siraj Haqqani was one of several Taliban leaders conducting secret negotiations with the government to end the fighting in northwestern Pakistan. Security forces blew up a vehicle laden with 700 kilograms of explosives in Swat. The military is investigating the cause of the helicopter crash that killed a senior general and seven members of his […]

Gates Says Anger Over Iraq Hurts Afghan Effort


Al Qaeda is working to change its tactics in Iraq, according to documents seized by the US military. Coalition forces killed eight al Qaeda operatives and detained 22 during operations in central and northern Iraq. Coalition forces captured four Special Groups operatives south of Baghdad while attacks from the Special Groups continue from Sadr City.

After Hard-Won Lessons, Army Doctrine Revised

Al Qaeda

Shift in Tactics Aims to Revive Struggling Insurgency

Al Qaeda

The Press Association: Al Qaeda ‘plotting Germany attack’


Rebel representatives and military officials recently met in Qatar to restart a failed cease-fire. A rebel spokesman claimed 10 children and eight women were killed in Sa’ada in 2008 along with dozens of troops and rebels. Sa’ada has been blockaded for 14 months. CARE International complained of lack access to internal refugees, estimated in the […]

Inside Iraqi politics – Part 2. A look at executive branch progress

“Inside Iraqi Politics” is a special series dedicated to examining political progress in Iraq, with a focus on issues that affect the country’s stability and reconciliation efforts. This second installment examines the efforts by Iraq’s executive branch to improve services and achieve reconciliation, including an in-depth profile of the Iraqi Implementation and Follow-Up Committee for National Reconciliation and the Baghdad Services Committee, special bodies appointed by Prime Minister Maliki.


Two civilians and one Afghan soldier were killed by a suicide bomber in the eastern province of Ghazni. According to the UN, Afghan opium production in 2008 might decline slightly from 2007’s record levels, but the output continues to rise steeply in the southern provinces, which account for 69 percent of the country’s total crop. […]


Islamist insurgents in Somalia have claimed responsibility for twin attacks in the northeast port city of Bossaso that left 20 dead. The presence of the Ethiopian Army inside Somalia remains the most contentious issue in the country’s chaotic political landscape. Armed groups have killed two government troops after they assaulted the troop’s base in Yaqbari […]


Algerian security forces have killed an al Qaeda linked commander and arrested six of his associates suspected of conducting a twin bombing on a court building and UN offices in Algiers and an attack on foreign oil workers. According to the Interior Ministry, terror leader Abderrahmane Bouzekeka was killed on Jan. 28, 2008 in Boumerdes […]


France may deploy 700 combat troops in southern Afghanistan. A suicide car bomb wounded three NATO soliders after detonating near a convoy in Khost province. US forces captured Shah Noor, a Taliban leader in southern Afghanistan behind attacks on Highway 1.

Al Qaeda

The United Kingdom’s Home Secretary approved the extradition of Abu Hamza to the United States. Abu Hamza was a cleric at the radical Finsbury Park Mosque in London, was behind terror attacks in Yemen, and espoused support for al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.


US troops raided Sadr City; one Special Groups operative was killed and 16 captured. Iraqi security forces and Polish troops cordoned two neighborhoods in Diwaniyah; elements of the Mahdi Army are the target of the operation. Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained 12 during raids in northern Iraq. Eight cellular towers were […]


US sees attacks by Iranian-backed groups up in Iraq


NATO ministers aim to ease divisions over Afghan troops deployment


Powerful Shiite cleric quiets in Iraq


Rumors are circulating that American al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn was killed in the same airstrike in North Waziristan that killed Abu Laith al Libi. Police are searching for Ustad Rabbani, a deputy of slain Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah believed to be behind the Nov. 1, 2007 suicide attack on a Pakistan Air Force bus […]