Monthly Archives: February 2008


Making a Case for a Pause in Troop Cutbacks in Iraq


The Taliban kidnapped about 20 Arabs and Afghans in Farah province; six are still captive. Afghan soldiers captured a key Taliban IED facilitator in Khost province. British and Afghan forces seized one ton of opium and 20 kilograms of white heroin in Helmand province.


Russian security forces found the body of Khalid Yusef Mohammad al Elitat in Ingushetia. Elitat was a Jordanian-born al Qaeda financier responsible for distributing money to terrorists in Chechnya and Ingushetia. Russian investigators suspect he may have been killed by other “militants.”


Yahia Djouadi, also known as Yahia Abu Amar, has replaced Mokhtar Belmokhtar as the leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s southern forces. Algerian security forces killed 17 members of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb during a clash.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 22 Iraqis in dual suicide car bomb attacks targeting a Sunni tribal meeting in Baghdad. US forces captured four Special Groups leaders in Suraywah and in the Hurriya and Rashid neighborhoods of Baghdad. Karbala police killed three al Qaeda operatives and captured 11. US forces killed an al Qaeda leader […]


USG to Outsource CLC, Detainee Transition


Thailand’s new government is considering self rule for the insurgency-racked Muslim South. A local politician and his son were killed in a drive-by shooting in Narathiwat province. The government has received warnings of a possible bomb threat in Hat Yai in Songkhla province.

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden may be dead, but living on through old sound bites


The Taliban will exchange the kidnapped ambassador to Afghanistan for Mansoor Dadullah. Two nuclear officials were kidnapped in Dera Ismail Khan. Soldiers killed a Taliban fighter as he was preparing to attack them in Tank. The military captured 15 Taliban in Swat.


Danish police arrested two Tunisians and a Dane for conspiring to kill one of the 12 cartoonists who drew controversial images of the Prophet Mohammed. The men targeted 73-year-old Kurt Westergaard, who drew Mohammed with a bomb in his turban.

Afghan Taliban leaders nabbed in Pakistan

Several Afghan Taliban fighters were arrested in western Pakistan last week, preceding the capture of Taliban commander Shah Mansoor Dadullah. The US military is hoping to exploit tribal differences on the border to sow further discord among the insurgents and gather intelligence on their leaders.

Palestinian Territories

Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets at southern Israel. An IDF airstrike targeting Hamas wounded two civilians in Gaza, according to Palestinian sources. IDF Chief of Staff said the army is ready “to deepen and expand the operations in Gaza as much as necessary.” The right-wing Shad party threatened to quit the Israeli government over secret […]


US and Iraqi forces captured a senior Special Groups leader and 10 operatives in Hillah. Unnamed sources close to Sadr claim he will extend the cease-fire. Coalition forces killed three al Qaeda operative and detained 21 during raids in Mosul and near the Hamrin Mountains. Iraqi troops found a large bomb factory in Baghdad. The […]


Hospital boss arrested over al-Qaeda attack by human boobytraps


Taliban betrays commander to Pakistan over his MI6 contacts


Algerian security forces plan to recruit 15,000 personnel per year until they reach their benchmark of a 200,000-strong police force. There are currently 140,000 Algerian security forces deployed throughout the country to help ward off a creeping insurgency. Eleven suspected terrorists linked to al Qaeda have been arrested for participating in the Jan. 29 car […]


Taliban leader Mullah Omar called on the citizens of NATO countries to pressure their governments to withdraw from Afghanistan. The governor of Kandahar dodged an assassination attempt as an IED exploded near his convoy. Norway closed its embassy after receiving threats.


Support for Osama waning in Pakistan; PPP most popular party: poll


Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan is feared to have been kidnapped in the Khyber agency. Pakistani security forces captured Mansoor Dadullah and five lieutenants in the Zhob district of Baluchistan. A suicide bomber struck an office of the Awami National Party in North Waziristan; 10 were killed and 13 wounded. The government detained 31 Taliban in […]