The Night Belongs to the Taleban
The Night Belongs to the Taleban
NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. Representatives sent to negotiate with the Taliban in North Waziristan as suicide attacks are ongoing As the attacks against the Pakistani military are ongoing in North Waziristan, the government continues to press for […]
Government officials and tribal leaders are heading to North Waziristan to negotiate with the Taliban. “We are going to Miranshah to discuss the peace accord with Taliban leaders,” said Malik Waris Khan, a member of the jirga. The members will meet with Taliban commander Maulana Gul Bahadar, who signed the Waziristan Accord in September 2006.
Understand Why Iran Is Arming Iraqi Militias
Afghanistan: Skeptics Urge Caution Over Purported Hekmatyar Cease-Fire
US General Cites Progress in Iraq, Warns Against Quick Change
Israel starts Palestinian release
British medics in Helmand buy own dressings
Deals in Iraq Make Friends of Enemies
Iran uses activists for propaganda
US Generals Request Delay in Judging Iraq
Turkey Taking Harder Line on Restive Kurds
Jordanian doctor charged over foiled U.K. plots
Five Lebanese soldiers were killed during an assault on Fatah al Islam positions in the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp. A Syrian ship at the port of Sidon has been impounded after explosives were smuggled.
Abu Bakar Bashir. the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, has demanded the disbandment of Detatchment 88, the counterterrorism squad formed after the Bali bombing. Detachment 88 has conducted several high profile arrests of Jemaah Islamiyah leaders.
My sincerest thanks to those who have donated to PMI’s initial fund drive. On a related note, we’re very excited and grateful that Knighthawk at Polipundit has generously invented and created a matching donation program via BlogPatron for Public Multimedia! Knighthawk will match the first $10 of every donation contributed through his page up to […]
Bombings Across Pakistan Revive Efforts for Tribal-Area Truce
The reconciliation conference was mortared by Islamist insurgents; the rounds missed the conference but killed five youths playing soccer. Seven somali troops were wounded in an IED attack in Afgoie. The African Union will expand its peacekeeping mission.
General David Petraeus on the conditions on the ground in Iraq
US ambassador says Iraq benchmarks unlikely to be met
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, an ally of al Qaeda and the Taliban and leader of Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin, has declared a cease-fire. Hekmatyar later denied calling for a cease-fire. The Taliban kidnapped two Germans working for the UN.
Aftermath of the Hub attack. Click to view. Chinese engineers targeted in Hub, Pakistani army attacked in Hangu and Kohat The Taliban campaign against Pakistani government and military targets is intensifying. Three more suicide attacks were conducted in western Pakistan today, resulting in over 56 killed and 56 wounded. The suicide bombers targeted a police […]
How Does a Saudi Become a Global Terrorist?
Abbas plans to decree new Palestinian election
Olmert ‘failed severely’ in Lebanon war, says report
Israel confirms third-party contacts with Syria
Musharraf vows to confront extremists
Afghan tunnels prove tough to crack
White House Presses Pakistan on al-Qaida Havens
Iran: Government Steps Up Crackdown On Opposition