Yearly Archives: 2007

Al Qaeda

New US threat to use force: Al Qaeda sheltering in Waziristan, Taliban in Balochistan


Two bombs were detonated at a bus terminal in South Cotabato province, wounding one and injuring an unknown number of civilians. Two suspects in the beheading of 10 Marine have surrendered. Four members of Abu Sayyaf have been identified as being involved in he beheadings. The US is prepared to step up aid to the […]


Equipment lag hindering Iraqi forces in Mosul


Gates Offers Blunt Review of Progress in Iraq


Baqubah Transitions to ‘Hold™ Status, Commander Says

Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle: August 2007 Update

Iraqi & Coalition forces Order of Battle as of Jul 31, 2007. The August 2007 updates to the Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle are now available at the ISF OOB Page. Significant changes include plans to deploy a Kurdish Regional Guards (Peshmerga) Division outside of KRG, a minor reorganization of the pages and the […]

Operations in Iraq’s North; Mosul’s emir killed

Safi, the former al Qaeda emir of Mosul. Clearing operation begins in Samarra as al Qaeda’s emir of Mosul was killed by the Iraqi Army As the Baghdad Security Plan and Operation Phantom Thunder in the Baghdad Belts of Babil, Anbar, and Diyala provinces move forward, Iraqi and U.S. forces have stepped up operations in […]


Pollack: ‘Surge™ Producing Real Progress in Iraq


Paratrooper awarded Silver Star for actions in Samarra


Two soldiers were killed and two wounded after being ambushed while patrolling the rail lines in Yala province. Another two paramilitary troops were wounded in a bombing in Yala. Two soldiers were wounded in an IED attack and three were wounded in an ambush in Pattani province.


Syria plans war of attrition in the Golan Heights


Police stopped suicide bomber attempting to attack a parade of 900 cadets at a training center in the city of Sargodha in Punjab province. One policeman was killed in the gunfight. Five police were wounded in a bombing near the traffic police headquarters in Gujranwala. Intelligence indicates Islamists may attempt to attack the national parliament. […]


Suicide car bomb kills 13 at Iraq police station


Fatah al Islam hit a power station with Katyusha rockets, disrupting electricity supplies in the north. Four Fatah al Islam fighters and three soldiers were killed in the latest round of fighting in the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp,