Another day of clashes in Somalia’s dangerous capital leave 4 dead
Another day of clashes in Somalia’s dangerous capital leave 4 dead
Britain acts to thwart Al Qaeda recruitment
The Armed Forces of the Philippines said US Special Forces are not involved in the fighting against Abu Sayyaf in Sulu. The Defense Secretary said fighting in Sulu does not violate the 11-year truce with MNLF as only Abu Sayyaf and renegade MNLF are targeted.
Thai insurgents launch a spate of attacks in Pattani
Afghan Border Patrol Brings Hope to Duahb in Kunar province
Sunni Groups Clash amid Joint Diyala Campaign – Al Qaeda Fights 1920 Revolution Brigades as US-Iraqi Forces Raid Near Ba’quba
US forces launch an offensive at the Tora Bora mountain complex in Nangarhar province.
Iraq: Tankers on Two Legs
US gets no specific Arab promises of Iraq help
Hamas TV’s Children’s Show Star Says She Would Be Proud to Be a Martyr
Iraq: Balance of Terror
By Wesley Morgan, who is currently embedded in Iraq. Wes writes for The Daily Princetonian and was invited to embed in Iraq by Gen. David Petraeus. Continue following Wes Morgan through Haifa Street with the Lt. Col. Jeffrey Peterson’s 1-14 Cavalry as he observes US soldiers, interpreters, and Iraqi Army jundis. In the morning (Wednesday, […]
Iraqi Oil Ministry confirms abduction of Former Undersecretary
Operation to drive al-Qaida in Iraq fighters from Diyala Province kicks off
Israel is braced for new attack a year after war with Hezbollah
Morocco: Four arrested over failed tourist bus bombing
A Shiite politician and his Sunni guards
Delhi on alert after al-Qa’eda threat
Nasrallah: Hezbollah doesn’t want another war with Israel
Hamas clashes with Doghmush clan, 2 gunmen dead
Terror Alert: Western Journalists Targeted by Al Qaeda
US Weighing Terrorist Label for Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps
Thailand: Insurgents launched five arson attacks in Songkhla
The Taliban in South Waziristan beheaded one of the 16 captured Pakistani soldiers. The government claimed the Wazir tribes backed paramilitary forces against Baitullah Mehsud’s Taliban in South Waziristan. The Taliban and the military clashed after the Taliban attacked two posts in Miramshah.
Seventeen were killed and 16 wounded in IED and small-arms fire attacks in Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts killed two and wounded seven in an attack on a religious gathering in Galkayo. The Somali government is trying to create a Baghdad-style “Green Zone” in Mogadishu.
Four suicide bombings kill 175 in Iraq
US helicopter crash in Iraq kills 5
Afghan intelligence officials claimed Iran is smuggling weapons into western Afghanistan as Iranian President Ahmadinejad visits the country. The first Polish soldier was killed in combat in Gardez.
Philippines: Peace talks with MILF set, but government offensive to continue
Former Insurgents Face al-Qaida Wrath