Yearly Archives: 2007


Syria, Hizbullah, Iran prepare in case of war


NATO forces conducted an air assault in the Sangin Valley in Helmand province. Afghan police raided a madrassa in Farah province and arrested 22 suspected Taliban. A suicide bomber killed 4 in Kabul, including a policeman who attempted to stop the attack. The foreign minister rejected a German politician’s plan to negotiate with the Taliban.

The Taliban’s internecine war in Waziristan

Tahir Yuldashev in 2006, with al Qaeda’s al rayah, or black banner, in the background. The Uzbek-Taliban fighting isn’t what the Pakistani government wants you to believe The Pakistani government continues to push the fiction that the fighting in South Waziristan is between tribes loyal to the government and ‘foreign fighters’ – namely Uzbek al […]

Iraq Security Forces OOB: April 2007 Update

Iraqi & Coalition forces Order of Battle as of April 2007. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The April 2007 updates to the Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle are now available at the ISF OOB Page. The significant changes to the Order of Battle are summarized below.


Thank God our servicemen are free, but make no mistake, this has been a humiliation for Britain


While the Pakistani government continues to claim the offensive against the Uzbeks demonstrates the success of the Waziristan Accord, Ismail Khan explains the fighting is due to an internecine tribal war between the Taliban and Uzbeks. Maulana Abdul Aziz will start the ‘shariat court™ at the Lal Masjid mosque in Islamabad on Friday. The government […]


The Yemeni government continues to support local Salafist groups and al Qaeda’s global organization, as well as encourage and train jihadis to fight in Iraq. Yemenis are one of the largest foreign contingents in Iraq, and many are trained by the Yemeni military.


Algerian security forces are conducting a major operation against al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (AQIM) in the mountains and forests in the east of the country. Three soldiers were killed and 7 wounded after AQIM hit their convoy with an IED west of Algiers.


Iran has released the 15 British sailors after President Ahmedinejad ‘pardoned’ them for perportedly entering Iranian waters. The sailors have boarded a flight home to London.


Sudden decision owes more to tension in Tehran than to Britain™s diplomacy


Training Day – How Yemen aids and abets Iraqi insurgents


NATO killed 10 Taliban in fighting in Helmand province. The Taliban has kidnapped 2 French aid workers in Nimroz province. Canada will rent 20 German Leopard tanks for use in Kandahar province.


Insurgents bombed a mosque in Yala province, wounding 14, while four schools were burned down. Muslim insurgents killed 2 civilians wounded 3 in shootings in Narathiwat province. Three military officers were wounded inan IED attack and a mechanic was shot in Yala province.

The Diyala Campaign

U.S. and Iraqi forces are preparing the battlefield in Diyala province Soldiers from the 5/20 Strykers conduct operations in Buhriz on March 20, 2007. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Stacy L. Pearsall. Click to view. The Battle of Diyala has been taking shape since about 700 soldiers and 100 of their Stryker combat […]

Al Qaeda

A poster on a jihadist website Tahjeed announced the upcoming release of a tape of Osama bin Laden by As Sahab, al Qaeda’s media wing. The tape will purportedly address al Qaeda in Iraq and American fear of the Islamic State of Iraq, signs of victory in Iraq & Afghanistan, Hamas’ surrender to the political […]

Soldiers in war zones to get new, lighter armor


Extraordinary scenes as Iran frees sailors


Soldiers in Baghdad vexed by rock reception at one school during mission to help neighborhood