Resistance Grows Against “Islamic State” – 9 Militant Groups in Effort to Isolate Qa’ida-linked Organization
Resistance Grows Against “Islamic State” – 9 Militant Groups in Effort to Isolate Qa’ida-linked Organization
Smoke and Mirrors – What the State Department is not accomplishing in Iraq
2 al Qaeda Moroccans have fled from Morocco to Spain
Muslim cleric, 2 others killed in mosque in Nigeria
Jam-Proof Insurgents? Doubtful
Iran’s Invulnerable Bunkers?
The Hawiye clan, Somalia’s largest, has declared war on Ethiopia. “I call upon the Somali people, wherever it exists, to unity in the fight against the Ethiopians. The war is not between Ethiopia and our tribe, it is between Ethiopia and all Somali people,” a Hawiye spokesman said.
NATO and Afghan forces killed 35 Taliban in fighting near Sangin district in Helmand province, and another 3 in Ghazni province. Over 300 Afghan police are in training in Lashkar Gah. Canada is set to purchase another 100 Leopard 2 tanks for use in Kandahar.
American ‘trained with al Qaeda to attack resorts’
Thailand Heightens Security as Country Marks Traditional New Year
Terror in the Maghreb – The long arm of al Qaeda
Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Plant
The IAEA chief said Iran’s claim of 3,000 centrifuges in operation is an exaggeration. An associate of the missing FBI agent claimed Iranian agents had detained and questioned the agent a day prior to his disappearance. An Iranian journalist openly challenged Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s immunity from criticism and the failure to allow dissent on […]
Police detained 2 terror suspects near the site where 3 suicide bombers detonated on April 10. The country is on high alert after the Algiers bombings. Morocco’s interior minister claimed there is no link with the Algiers bombings. Spain is concerned, and placed the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on “permanent Alert.”
The al Qaeda ‘caravan’ visits Algiers
President Musharraf threatened to withdraw from the anti-terror coalition if the West continues to blame the country for failing to act against al Qaeda and the Taliban. Three Lal Masjid students ordered CD shops in Peshawar to close. The Taliban clashed with a wedding party in Lakki Marwat. Lashkar-e-Taiba requested terror groups and politicians unite […]
Officials: Algerian Bombing Is First Wave of New Al Qaeda ‘Spring Offensive’
Turkish Military Leader Prepared to Lead Attacks in Iraq
Pakistani Army Says Its Forces Are Gaining in Tribal Lands
U.N. chief considers tribunal for Lebanon murders
Iran atom plan shows need for missile shield: Germany
Suicide Attacks Mark Turn in Algeria – Insurgents Seen Taking Cues From Global al Qaeda
25 Taliban, 2 NATO soldiers killed
Officials: Algerian Bombing Is First Wave of New Al Qaeda ‘Spring Offensive’
Is Baghdad safer? Yes and no.
Iraqi group ‘splits’ from al Qaeda
Two killed in Iraq parliament blast
The largest Sunni insurgent group has severed ties with al Qaeda and its Islamic State of Iraq; Sunni religious leaders oppose al Qaeda Banner of the Islamic State of Iraq. Click to view. The Sunni civil war in Iraq continues to gather steam. The Islamic Army in Iraq, the largest Sunni insurgent group which has […]
Iraq. Click map to view. CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck produced a segment on the situation in Anbar province, the fight against al Qaeda, in Iraq, the Anbar Salvation Front and its leader, Sheikh Abdul Sattar al-Rishawi, and the recent spate of chlorine suicide attacks. Erick interviewed me for the piece. Click here to read & watch […]
Moroccan minister does not rule out link between bombings in Morocco and Algeria