Yearly Archives: 2007


Iraq Sunni tribes build police force, fight al Qaeda


Looting breaks out during lull in Mogadishu fighting

Al Qaeda

Report: al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar ready to surrender

Al Qaeda

Casablanca bombing mastermind is head of a jihadist cell


US officer in Iraq charged with aiding enemy


Pakistan court allows Al-Rashid Trust trust to reopen offices


Muslim Brothers on trial in Egypt military court

Palestinian Territories

The EU will send aid to the Palestinian Territories, but it will not be channeled through the Palestinian Authority’s unity government. Palestinian terror groups will continue firing rockets from the Gaza strip unless the IDF halts raids in the West Bank.


Egypt says thwarts terror attack against Israeli tourists in Sinai


Construction of wall reduces sectarian killings – ministry


Three “Lashkar-e-Taiba” guerrillas arrested in India


Syrian election protests ‘put down by army’


Who’s the Emir of the Islamic Army in Iraq?


Over 20 were killed in the eighth day of fighting in Mogadishu. Somalia’s Prime Minister claimed the insurgency has been defeated. Ethiopia’s Prime Minister stated it will continue to fight “al Qaeda [and the] Eritrea-backed international terrorist group calling itself Al-Shabat” in Somalia.


The Taliban admits its fighters are trapped in the Chora district in Uruzgan, but claims Mullah Dadullah is not among them. Eleven Afghan security forces and 7 Taliban were killed in fighting nationwide. US Special Forces killed 5 Taliban in Paktia. India is providing trainers for the Afghan Army.


Lal Masjid clerics deny any breakthrough has been made with the government. Rashid Rauf, the London airlines plot mastermind, has been transferred to the Adiala prison. Two barber shops were bombed in Bajaur. The general manager of the Sui Northern Gas Pipeline was murdered in Hayatabad. Jihadi media outlets are thriving in Pakistan.


Divide is seen within Iraq’s Baath Party

Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Diyala Campaign

From The Jawa Report: U.S. soldiers capture flag of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq in village in Diyala. Click image to view. Terror group is striking hard at military targets prior to the onset of the Diyala Campaign As Iraqi and Coalition forces build their forces to strike al Qaeda in their base in […]


For Iraqi Terrorists Inside Iran, Membership Has Its Privileges


Interview with Gen. Petraeus after closed Congressional briefing


Iran: Crackdown Intensifies On Students, Activists, And Teachers