US eyes cease-fires to end Iraq violence
US eyes cease-fires to end Iraq violence
Muslim insurgents killed 10 paramilitary soldiers in an IED attack on a patrol in Yala province. Members of the RKK (Runda Kumpulan Kecil) who surrendered to the government identified the attackers. Five Muslims were killed during an attack on a mosque in Songkhla.
Iraq residents rise up against al Qaeda
MRAP is Just Fine or All Bombs Are Not Created Equal
Turkish army says confronting Barzani forces a possibility
The provinces of Iraq. Click map to view. A pro government tribal leader is targeted in Babil; the four provinces around Baghdad have established an Awakening movement The formation of the regional Awakening movements–the groupings of anti-al Qaeda tribes, community leaders, and insurgent groups–threatens to stymie al Qaeda in the largely Sunni regions of Iraq. […]
Imminent Major Battle in Diyala?
15 killed when army strikes Yemen petrol station
The Taliban killed 13, including 6 family members of an anti-Taliban cleric, after launching an attack on his home in Tank. The Interior Ministry said 3 ministers are on South Waziristan Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud’s hit list. The Lal Masjid clerics warned yet again of a suicide campaign if the mosque is raided. Interior Minister […]
A Chinook helicopter crash killed 7 ISAF troops in the Kajaki district of Helmand province. The Taliban claimed to have shot down the helo. The Taliban killed 16 Afghan police in an ambush in Zabul province. Iranian-made AK-47s, C-4 plastic explosives, mortars and EFPs are being supplied to the Taliban.
Iraqi Security Forces Make Progress in Mosul, But Bomb Attacks Soar
Al-Qa’eda prepares for a new wave of terror
Guantanamo inmate found dead after apparent suicide
Seven killed as NATO helicopter shot down
Two Palestinians killed in West Bank car blast
Abu Yahia al-Libi, who escaped from Bagram in 2005, released a videotape attacking the Saudis for supporting the US. “The tyrants of Al Saud … wanted to offer a token which would show the earnestness of their attitude in combating what they call ‘terror,’ and show that they are still unwaveringly loyal … So they […]
NATO helicopter crashes in Afghanistan
U.N. approves Hariri assassination tribunal
New Syrian Jihadist Group Delivers Anti-Alawite Calling Card
A newly released report confirmed that accounts of suspicious behavior by 13 Middle Eastern men on Northwest Airlines flight 327 in 2004 was indeed a dry run for a terrorist attack. “”Agency management was not only covering up numerous probes and dry-run encounters from Congress and other federal law-enforcement agencies, it was also hiding these […]
Iran Rejects Suspending Nuke Enrichment Ahead of Talks With EU
Turkey troops head to Iraq border
Sudan: US sanctions to have little fiscal impact
Over 20 Taliban and 7 police were killed in fighting in Jalalabad, Uruzgan, Nuristan and Frarah provinces. The full contingent of Australia’s special forces is now in country. About 1,000 supporters of Rashid Dostrum demanded the resignation of the governor of Jawzjan province.
Mehdi Army suspected in Baghdad kidnap, says Zebari
Terror suspects detained in Baghdad’s Sadr City
(Afghanistan) Operation Hoover: A tough slog, an elusive enemy
A car bomb outside the Peshawar High Court killed 1 and wounded 9. Bannu locals said 4 men killed in an encounter with the police were not Taliban. The leader of the Lal Masjid offered to advise the media on sharia. The banned Jamaat-ud-Dawa (formerly LeT) plans to rename its weekly publications to bypass government […]
Taliban resurgence worries India
Al Qaeda-led group claims downing of US craft in Iraq